[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A3000/2.03 - Lots o crashes and yeller screens...

dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks) (05/13/91)

   Man, the 3000 is a great machine.  A good investment all around,
especially when 2.0 is in ROM.  But, I do have a few questions:

(The following assumes Workbench 2.03)

   I have bunches of programs, most of them PD but quite a few
commercial.  Almost all of them suffer problems under 2.0.  I was
expecting problems, but not really this many.  Most of the problems
are hard to reproduce and pop up only under strange circumstances.

   For instance, my versions of Deluxe Paint III and DigiPaint 3
all seem to blow up if I do weird things with brushes and interlace

   The most bizarre, however, is that whenever the system gurus, I
get a yellow screen for about 1.5 seconds before it resets (after the
guru).  Is this normal?

   Also, is it normal to be having problems with software such as the
above?  I assume upgrades are the way to go...  Of course, when
2.0 is on ROM, everything should change.  No one will be writing things
under 1.3 anymore....

dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks)
Copper Electronics, Inc.
Louisville, Kentucky