[comp.sys.amiga.misc] HELP - info on decoding needed

woody@udcf.glasgow.ac.uk (Ian Woodrow) (05/08/91)


I am new to the amiga newsgroups.  
Can someone tell me how to unpack the binaries that are available on the
groups ?   I've pulled some down (in 4 parts) and ran them thru 'sh' here
on my unix workstation.  NOW what ?   Presumably I need some sort of un-
packing tool --- WHAT is used for unpacking the amiga code and WHERE CAN
I GET THIS TOOL ?   ALSO; with the prog being in 4 parts, I take it I
should concatenate them before running them through this unpacker, whatever
it may be.

Is this the correct newsgroup for questions like this or is there another 
dealing with HELP requests ?

 /Ian Woodrow, Computing Service, Uni of Glasgow, GLASGOW G12 8QQ, Scotland \
*  <Dog 'n' Bone:  041-330-4800         | e-mail: woody@udcf.gla.ac.uk>      *

johnhlee@CS.Cornell.EDU (John H. Lee) (05/09/91)

In article <1991May8.093951.22883@udcf.glasgow.ac.uk> woody@udcf.glasgow.ac.uk (Ian Woodrow) writes:
>Can someone tell me how to unpack the binaries that are available on the
>groups ?   I've pulled some down (in 4 parts) and ran them thru 'sh' here
>on my unix workstation.  NOW what ?   Presumably I need some sort of un-
>packing tool --- WHAT is used for unpacking the amiga code and WHERE CAN
>I GET THIS TOOL ?   ALSO; with the prog being in 4 parts, I take it I
>should concatenate them before running them through this unpacker, whatever
>it may be.
>Is this the correct newsgroup for questions like this or is there another 
>dealing with HELP requests ?

Asking here is fine, although there is a "Frequently Asked Questions"
posting (more or less periodically) that is a good place to look first.

It's a bit difficult to figure exactly what you need since there are many
archive formats, Amiga and UNIX.  If you could post the file extensions,
it would help.  However, since you're dealing with a shar archive of a
binary file from comp.binaries.amiga, I'll take a stab in the dark at it.

You may have a series of files looking somwhat like part.01, part.02,
part.03, etc.  These are probably parts of a uuencoded file.  uuencode is
the UNIX program that converts a binary file in a printable-ASCII-only
representation that can be posted or mailed.  The counterpart program to
reconstruct the binary file is uudecode.  The simplest way to do things is
to use a UNIX pipe like this on your UNIX machine:

	cat part.* | uudecode

This should recreate the original binary archive.  At this point, you
should have a binary file that might have one of several extensions,
depending on the binary archiver used to create it.  The most common
for Amigas are the .zoo, and .lzh, extensions which correspond to the ZOO,
and LHArc archivers.  These and others can be found on the ever-popular
Amiga anonymous-FTP site, ab20.larc.nasa.gov as self-extracting archives
(just download & execute on your Amiga to de-archive.)  Download the file
FILES.Z from ab20, decompress with:

	uncompress FILES.Z

and search for zoo or lharc.

That should be enough to get you started.

The DiskDoctor threatens the crew!  Next time on AmigaDos: The Next Generation.
	John Lee		Internet: johnhlee@cs.cornell.edu
The above opinions of those of the user, and not of this machine.

dtiberio@libserv1.ic.sunysb.edu (David Tiberio) (05/13/91)

In article <1991May8.093951.22883@udcf.glasgow.ac.uk> woody@udcf.glasgow.ac.uk (Ian Woodrow) writes:
>I am new to the amiga newsgroups.  
>Can someone tell me how to unpack the binaries that are available on the
>groups ?   I've pulled some down (in 4 parts) and ran them thru 'sh' here
>on my unix workstation.  NOW what ?   Presumably I need some sort of un-
>packing tool --- WHAT is used for unpacking the amiga code and WHERE CAN
>I GET THIS TOOL ?   ALSO; with the prog being in 4 parts, I take it I
>should concatenate them before running them through this unpacker, whatever
>it may be.

file compressors:
	.lzh		lharc, lhunarc, lharcA, lharc+, lz
	.arc		arc, pkax, unarc
	.zoo		zoo, booz
	.zip		pkazip (Do not use unzip)

disk compressors:
	.dms		DMS Disk Masher, DMSwin
	.wrp		warp, unwarp (vers 1.4 is a hack), nibwarp (hack),
	.lhw		lhwarp
	.zom		zoom (if it crashes, try an older version)
	.dmp		dimp
	.zap		zap
	.trax		puttrax

special formats:
	.pp		power packer, ppmore
	.uu		uudecode
	.exe		this will decompress itself, 
			and may contain a PAK archive 
			or a DMS archive

executable compressors:
	none		powerpacker, turbo powerpacker (hack)
	none		imploder, turbo imploder

> /Ian Woodrow, Computing Service, Uni of Glasgow, GLASGOW G12 8QQ, Scotland \

           David Tiberio  SUNY Stony Brook 2-3481  AMIGA  DDD-MEN   
   "If you think that we're here for the money, we could live without it.
     But the world isn't too good here, and it wasn't always like that."
                   Un ragazzo di Casalbordino, Italia.