[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Is CBM America Swamped with A3000 orders?

jet@karazm.math.uh.edu (J Eric Townsend) (05/10/91)

I bought (ordered, it would appear) my A3000 on the Power Up plan
Saturday, May 4.  The dealer said it should be in Monday or Tuesday.
On Wednesday, the dealer said that CBM was backordering A3000s because
of the Power Up program.

Is this happening anywhere else in the states, or is my dealer getting
the shaft from CBM?

I guess it's a good thing, since more 3000s mean more software for 2.0
on the 3000 (one would think).

J. Eric Townsend - jet@uh.edu - bitnet: jet@UHOU - vox: (713) 749-2120
Skate UNIX or bleed, boyo...
(UNIX is a trademark of Unix Systems Laboratories).

don@chopin.udel.edu (Donald R Lloyd) (05/11/91)

In article <1991May9.215222.5731@menudo.uh.edu> jet@karazm.math.uh.edu (J Eric Townsend) writes:
>I bought (ordered, it would appear) my A3000 on the Power Up plan
>Saturday, May 4.  The dealer said it should be in Monday or Tuesday.
>On Wednesday, the dealer said that CBM was backordering A3000s because
>of the Power Up program.
>Is this happening anywhere else in the states, or is my dealer getting
>the shaft from CBM?

     Our local dealer is about 30 minutes away from CBM's West Chester HQ,
and says the same thing.  He's got a few machines left in stock, but he says
that from talking to CBM, it seems as if the back orders are really starting
to pile up...

  Gibberish   May the        Publications Editor, AmigaNetwork 
  is spoken   fork() be      Amiga Student On-Campus Consultant, U of D
    here.     with you.      DISCLAIMER:  It's all YOUR fault.

dusek@motcid.UUCP (James P. Dusek) (05/13/91)

jet@karazm.math.uh.edu (J Eric Townsend) writes:
>I bought (ordered, it would appear) my A3000 on the Power Up plan
>Saturday, May 4.  The dealer said it should be in Monday or Tuesday.
>On Wednesday, the dealer said that CBM was backordering A3000s because
>of the Power Up program.
>I guess it's a good thing, since more 3000s mean more software for 2.0

	My local dealer has 3000/25/50's in stock,but is out of stock on
the other models. They too told me that they can get it next day, but I 
guess thats change now because they tried to sell me the 25mhz model. They 
said they had a couple of people with vic20 manuals trade up,so I would
tend to guess that the program is working for commodore.

	Another Good thing is that commodor will probley extend the offer,
after all they are backordered means the demand is high :) That give me
more time to scrape up some more funds and sell my 2000. 
