[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A3000 software compatibility

Kevin <ST101883@brownvm.brown.edu> (05/10/91)

Can someone post or e-mail me a list of software
that works and software that bombs on the A3000?
I will be getting an A3000 with the trade up offer
and I'd like to know what to keep and what I could sell
with my old system (A500).  Thanks!


es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (05/10/91)

In article <53163@nigel.ee.udel.edu> Kevin <ST101883@brownvm.brown.edu> writes:
>Can someone post or e-mail me a list of software
>that works and software that bombs on the A3000?
>I will be getting an A3000 with the trade up offer
>and I'd like to know what to keep and what I could sell
>with my old system (A500).  Thanks!

	It would be easier if you listed what you have and we can
tell you if there are any problems in them.
	-- Ethan

"Brain! Brain! What is Brain?"

gyrflcn@madnix.UUCP (Jason Gorst) (05/14/91)

From article <53163@nigel.ee.udel.edu>, by ST101883@brownvm.brown.edu (Kevin):
> Can someone post or e-mail me a list of software
> that works and software that bombs on the A3000?

I would also like to see such a list.  I'm upgrading from a C128D, and would
like to know something about the compatability of 2.0.  Posting the list would
seem most logical.

Jason Gorst   -my name   (|)"Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what
Gyrfalcon     -my handle (|) can't be done, and why.  Then do it."
gyrflcn@madnix-my address(|)        --Lazarus Long, _Time Enough for Love_