[comp.sys.amiga.misc] My harddisk has talked again!!!!!!!!

pilgrim@daimi.aau.dk (Jakob G}rdsted) (05/12/91)

|  gvpscsi.device: board 000  |
|  Ignored status    $16/$00  |
|                __________   |
|                |Continue|   |
|                ~~~~~~~~~~   |

This was the requester I got! This
time I relaxed and took the time to write it down.
This time I think some of the numbers are different,
but I'm not sure. And, I was using the computer -
even though it was not a response to an action of
mine, I had typed ls -l a minute ago.

What is this?! Why is my harddisk doing this to me?
What does it want, attention? Help. Am I doing some-
thing wrong?

If this belongs in .hardware, tell me.

Thanks in advance(though only if you help)...
From the notorious
                      Jakob Gaardsted, Computer Science Department
Bed og arbejd !            University of Aarhus,  Jylland (!)
(Pray and work!)  AMIGA!  pilgrim@daimi.aau.dk | I'd rather play Moria.

beust@taloa.unice.fr (Cedric Beust) (05/14/91)

In article <1991May11.200428.2643@daimi.aau.dk>, pilgrim@daimi.aau.dk (Jakob G}rdsted) writes:
: +-----------------------------+
: |  gvpscsi.device: board 000  |
: |  Ignored status    $16/$00  |
: |                __________   |
: |                |Continue|   |
: |                ~~~~~~~~~~   |
: +-----------------------------+
: This was the requester I got! This
: time I relaxed and took the time to write it down.
: This time I think some of the numbers are different,
: but I'm not sure. And, I was using the computer -
: even though it was not a response to an action of
: mine, I had typed ls -l a minute ago.
: What is this?! Why is my harddisk doing this to me?
: What does it want, attention? Help. Am I doing some-
: thing wrong?

  Just an idea. Are you using a Mouse blanker/accelerator/whatever...?
I remember one of them (MachIII? Qmouse? I can't remember: I know it
because I recently reviewed all these *mouse programs for an article)
keeps an eye on the gvpscsi.device in order to inform you about its activity
(it merely watches the task, actually). Since I don't use this device,
I can't tell you anything about the way it proceeds, but this might be
the answer. Consult the doc of you *mouse program, if any...

  Remember: just an idea...

| Cedric BEUST                                     University of Nice    |
| INET: beust@taloa.unice.fr                       $whoami               |
| UUCP: llaor.unice.fr!arkonis!beust               god (personal alias)  |
|                   -- "To be, or not to be...",                         |
|                      That is illogical, captain!                       |
|                                     -- Spock                           |