[comp.sys.amiga.misc] What tape backup are you using

neil@pnet01.cts.com (Neil Coito) (05/13/91)

OK, I'm ready to buy a SCSI tape backup for my 2000.  I have BTNTape 2.0
and a GVP controller.  I looked in MacUser Magazine but didn't really   
see too much in the way of SCSI tape backups.  People have mentioned    
here that they've used Viper and other tape backups. What I need to know
is what tape backups are you using... how much can I get it for and what
magazine can I find it in?  You can either email or post publicly as    
I'm sure others would like to know this info. Thank you for any help.

UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd ucsd nosc}!crash!pnet01!neil
ARPA: crash!pnet01!neil@nosc.mil
INET: neil@pnet01.cts.com

billsey@agora.UUCP (Bill Seymour) (05/15/91)

In article <1991May13.011605.24280@crash.cts.com>, Neil Coito writes:

> OK, I'm ready to buy a SCSI tape backup for my 2000.  I have BTNTape 2.0
> and a GVP controller.  I looked in MacUser Magazine but didn't really   
> see too much in the way of SCSI tape backups.  People have mentioned    
> here that they've used Viper and other tape backups. What I need to know
> is what tape backups are you using... how much can I get it for and what
> magazine can I find it in?  You can either email or post publicly as    
> I'm sure others would like to know this info. Thank you for any help.

	I'm using BTNtape 2.0 successfully with any combination of Archive
Viper 2150S or Tandberg Data TDC3315/Emulex MT-03 with A3000 or Nexus SCSI
controller. The slowest use is with the Nexus/Tandberg/Adaptec 5500/ST-4096
combo, but it still streams more often than not when backing up with TAR.
On the 3000, with reselection enabled, and the Viper backing up off my
big Maxtor it almost always stays streaming. :-)

> UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd ucsd nosc}!crash!pnet01!neil
> ARPA: crash!pnet01!neil@nosc.mil
> INET: neil@pnet01.cts.com

  -Bill Seymour     nesbbx!billsey@agora.uucp or nesbbx!billsey@agora.rain.com
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