[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Newer version of LS?

torkell@ifi.uio.no (Torkel Lodberg) (05/08/91)

I have a problem with LS (the Un*x 'dir' type program). The thing
normally works perfectly all right, but when I enter 'ls work:'
(work: is the physical device name of my A3000 hard-drive, like
fh0: ...), the da.... thing locks up and I have to reboot the machine.

I use version 4.0k, is there a later version?


beust@taloa.unice.fr (Cedric Beust) (05/14/91)

In article <CMM.>, torkell@ifi.uio.no (Torkel Lodberg) writes:
: I have a problem with LS (the Un*x 'dir' type program). The thing
: normally works perfectly all right, but when I enter 'ls work:'
: (work: is the physical device name of my A3000 hard-drive, like
: fh0: ...), the da.... thing locks up and I have to reboot the machine.
: I use version 4.0k, is there a later version?

  ls 4.0 did a very weird thing to me, and I decided to switch back to 3.1.

  After installing it, I tried a 'ls'. Worked fine. And then a 'cd /' and
another 'ls' and there... nothing! I checked out with the old 'dir'
command and there was definitely something there. But ls just wouldn't
display it. So I tried a 'ls -la 'and everything appeared. And so did the
reason of this behavior.

  ls 4.1 had misinterpreted the protection flags on directories, and
read that the 'hidden' flag was on, so it wouldn't display any of them.
And of course, there were only directories in the directory where I was.

  Even now, it seems so enormous that I can hardly imagine I didn't dream,
but I tried several times and it happened again and again.

  Anyone else got this?

| Cedric BEUST                                     University of Nice    |
| INET: beust@taloa.unice.fr                       $whoami               |
| UUCP: llaor.unice.fr!arkonis!beust               god (personal alias)  |
|                   -- "To be, or not to be...",                         |
|                      That is illogical, captain!                       |
|                                     -- Spock                           |

ewilts@janus.mtroyal.ab.ca (Ed Wilts) (05/15/91)

In article <103@taloa.unice.fr>, beust@taloa.unice.fr (Cedric Beust) writes:
> In article <CMM.>, torkell@ifi.uio.no (Torkel Lodberg) writes:
> : I have a problem with LS (the Un*x 'dir' type program). The thing
> : normally works perfectly all right, but when I enter 'ls work:'
> : (work: is the physical device name of my A3000 hard-drive, like
> : fh0: ...), the da.... thing locks up and I have to reboot the machine.
> : 
> : I use version 4.0k, is there a later version?
>   ls 4.0 did a very weird thing to me, and I decided to switch back to 3.1.

Try ls4.1ljr from Loren Rittle.  It works fine for me on my A3000 under 2.02.
It's availalbe on ab20 and on MRCserv and has been around since November.  I
had problems with earlier versions on my new system, but 4.1ljr is rock solid.

        .../Ed     Preferrred:  Ed.Wilts@BSC.Galaxy.BCSystems.Gov.BC.CA
Ed Wilts            Alternate:  EdWilts@BCSC02.BITNET    (604) 389-3430
B.C. Systems Corp., 4000 Seymour Place, Victoria, B.C., Canada, V8X 4S8