[comp.sys.amiga.misc] amiga unix prices

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) (05/11/91)

In article <9105101551.AA11216@tbird.src.honeywell.com> leyse@src.honeywell.com (Todd Leyse) writes:
>I hear these are the Education Discount Prices for the A3000UX:
>A3000Ux-B  $ 4003 5 MB, 100 MB Disk
>A3000UX-D  $ 5095 9 MB, 200 MB Disk
>A2320      $  212  (De-interlacer)

Is the Unix available seperatly yet?  Are there plans to make it so?
I can probably affort the $1800 for the power up program, but it would
be a lot easier to rationalize the extra $400 for the faster model if
I knew there is the possibility of getting Unix in the future...

Dave Schaumann      | There is no cause so right that one cannot find a fool
dave@cs.arizona.edu | following it.	- Niven's Law # 16

greg@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Greg Harp) (05/11/91)

In article <1500@caslon.cs.arizona.edu> dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) writes:
>Is the Unix available seperatly yet?  

No, but it will be available soon.

>Are there plans to make it so?

See above.  :)

>I can probably affort the $1800 for the power up program, but it would
>be a lot easier to rationalize the extra $400 for the faster model if
>I knew there is the possibility of getting Unix in the future...

That would be a good idea.  You'll appreciate the extra horsepower under
Unix possibly even more than under AmigaDOS.  Of course, if you plan to buy
an 040 and you want to take the chance that there won't be a way to use the
030 and 040 at the same time in the future (the odds are in your favor (: ),
get the 16Mhz version.  You'll save $400 now, but the 040 board will likely
cost you $1000.  

I'm biased because I use SparcStation 1+'s, but I doubt I could stand to
use Unix on a 16Mhz 030...

       Greg Harp       |"I was there to match my intellect on national TV,
                       | against a plumber and an architect, both with a PhD."
greg@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu|            -- "I Lost on Jeopardy," Weird Al Yankovic

tsarna@polar.bowdoin.edu (Tyler Sarna) (05/15/91)

> In article <1500@caslon.cs.arizona.edu> dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) writes:
> >Is the Unix available seperatly yet?  
> No, but it will be available soon.

How do you know? Is it going to be bundeled with a 200M disk? I
hope not! That's no better than making it availible only with
the 3000UX. Many people already have enough disk space. Sell it
on tape, and those who need more disk space buy it if they have
to. For those (like me) without tape drives, give each dealer a
tape and let them install in on our machines.

> I'm biased because I use SparcStation 1+'s, but I doubt I could stand to
> use Unix on a 16Mhz 030...

HA! You haven't lived till you've run 7th Edition on a 5 Mhz
8086 with custom MMU hardware :-)

Tyler "Ty" Sarna                       tsarna@polar.bowdoin.edu

     "Navy. It's not just a job, it's $98.76 a week." -SNL