[comp.sys.amiga.misc] C64 =>=> A3000

ST101883@brownvm.brown.edu (Kevin) (05/16/91)

How can I make my A3000 compatible with a C64?  I would like to be
able to load some old C64 games I have onto my HD (50 M) and
run them from there.  I can borrow a 1541 drive from a friend.
Is there an adapter available for the drive?  What software/hardware
options are available to make my A3000 emulate the C64?  How good
are they?  I dont want to pay over $50-$60 for this stuff.  Can
all of this be done for that price?  I can't keep the drive
so I would have to put everything on my hard disk (is this possible?).


P.S.  To all you A3000 owners out there, I don't mean to degrade
      the machine by running C64 software on it.  I just thought
      it would be a neat thing to try (you know, sort of like
      searching your closet for your old atari 2600, dusting it
      off, and playing some of those great old games!  Speaking
      of atari 2600's . . . naaaa, forget it!) :-)