[comp.sys.amiga.misc] PlusDrivers on ab20

wfaust@venus.UUCP (Wolf Faust) (05/16/91)

Well... after two month I finaly managed it to make the Plusdrivers
available on ab20. But....

I found a small bug in the drivers wich can be easily avoided
when known:

the drivers doesn't reset after using 360ydpi.  So when you switch
density from 360ydpi down to 180ydpi in preferences, you must
flush the memory manually by typing "stack 20000000".  This bug
does not guru, trashes your memory or whatever...  you just print
2 lines on one...

I just made new driver versions wich fixes the bug and I hope to
make it available on ab20 soon.

so please stop spreading plusdrivers < Rev 5

sorryyyy and thannkks

(PS: Users wich payed their contribution get their new drivers tomorrow via
 snail mail...)

Wolf Faust       cbmvax!cbmehq!cbmger!venus!wfaust
Tel: +(49)69-5486556     FIDO: 2:243/43.5