[comp.sys.amiga.misc] LHarc incompatibility

jones@uv4.eglin.af.mil (Calvin Jones, III) (05/16/91)

Recently a caller uploaded two "xxx.lzh" files to my BBS that appear to 
be incompatible with any versions of LHARC/LZ that I have for the Amiga. 

The files are compressed with type -lh5- compression and the programs 
that I have will only handle -lh0- and -lh1- type compression.
Where does this type compression come from?
Is there (at least) a freely distributable un-compressor available?

Is it available at any site that supports anonymous FTP (ab20 
   --- Cal
 HOBBIT   / / /  340 Meg Online
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 Cal Jones, Sysop.  904-243-6219  24Hrs

gwing@mullauna.cs.mu.OZ.AU (Geoff C Wing) (05/16/91)

jones@uv4.eglin.af.mil (Calvin Jones, III) writes:

>Recently a caller uploaded two "xxx.lzh" files to my BBS that appear to 
>be incompatible with any versions of LHARC/LZ that I have for the Amiga. 

>The files are compressed with type -lh5- compression and the programs 
>that I have will only handle -lh0- and -lh1- type compression.
>Where does this type compression come from?
>Is there (at least) a freely distributable un-compressor available?
this is -lz5- ?
Try dearc'ing with a unix-version lharc which supports the older compressions.
eg. Lharc/C-lharc

>Is it available at any site that supports anonymous FTP (ab20 
try using archie on quiche.cs.mcgill.ca
  |        Geoff C Wing       |         \   _  _ _ _  __
  |gwing@mullauna.cs.mu.oz.au |      //  \  |\/|  |  / __  /\
  |gwing@munmurra.cs.mu.oz.au |    \X/ /\ \ |  | _|_ \__| //\\