[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Request for Amiga LHARC

dreamer@diku.dk (Thomas Magle Brodersen) (05/13/91)

I have just received some compressed files, and found out that I HAVEN'T GOT A
LHARC-PROGRAM FOR THE AMIGA! Is there any kind soul somewhere out there that
can mail one to me? Please.

- Thomas

! For the memories of a lifetime:               : Thomas Magle Brodersen      !
! Rekall! Rekall! Rekall!                       : alias dreamer@diku.dk       !

saint@alessia.dei.unipd.it (Gian Uberto Lauri 228495) (05/16/91)

In article <1991May13.111705.10044@odin.diku.dk> dreamer@diku.dk (Thomas Magle Brodersen) writes:
>I have just received some compressed files, and found out that I HAVEN'T GOT A
>LHARC-PROGRAM FOR THE AMIGA! Is there any kind soul somewhere out there that
>can mail one to me? Please.

Hmmm.... Do you wish the uuencoded executable or the sources ?

Anyway, if you can, try ftp == sabrina.dei.unipd.it
(anonimous ftp server of Padua University) in directory
pub/amiga/compattatori and you'll find both sourcecode and executable

o   oooooo	Gian Uberto Lauri
      o    o	saint@alessia.dei.unipd.it
     o o