[comp.sys.amiga.misc] In search of...

gblock@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Gregory R Block) (05/10/91)

In the May issue of .info, on page 44, the center picture depicts a
very nice looking workbench screen, with a marble texture, and up in
the corner is "FastBench screen".  Where can I get my hands on this
"Fastbench", and that background pic?  Does anyone know what I am
talking about???

All opinions are my own, and not those of my employer.
Why?  He doesn't know I'm doing this.

mmoore@ux.acs.umn.edu (Malcolm Diallo Moore) (05/10/91)

In article <12019@uwm.edu> gblock@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Gregory R Block) writes:
>In the May issue of .info, on page 44, the center picture depicts a
>very nice looking workbench screen, with a marble texture, and up in
>the corner is "FastBench screen".  Where can I get my hands on this
>"Fastbench", and that background pic?  Does anyone know what I am
>talking about???
>All opinions are my own, and not those of my employer.
>Why?  He doesn't know I'm doing this.
>								-Wubba

Yes, I know what you're talking about, and I want it too!  Please put me on the
list asking for the whereabouts (if any) of this Workbench screen.  At first
I thought it was 2.0 but it can't be because it has the front/back gadgets and
the disk guage on the left side.

I want it, it looks so suave!

Malcolm "The Capital MD" Moore
----------Amiga: The One and Only.  All the Rest Can Get the Bozack.-----------
"I ain't never got gaffled like that, I used to do the gaffilin'--
McDonald's was my spot."
"Man, what you used to do??"
"Jack them motherfuckers for them Nissan Trucks.  Right in the drive thru."

johnhlee@CS.Cornell.EDU (John H. Lee) (05/11/91)

In article <12019@uwm.edu> gblock@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Gregory R Block) writes:
>In the May issue of .info, on page 44, the center picture depicts a
>very nice looking workbench screen, with a marble texture, and up in
>the corner is "FastBench screen".  Where can I get my hands on this
>"Fastbench", and that background pic?  Does anyone know what I am
>talking about???
>All opinions are my own, and not those of my employer.
>Why?  He doesn't know I'm doing this.
>								-Wubba

I haven't seen the picture you refer to, but I thought "FastBench" was a
side-effect of Dave Haynie's SetCPU program.  When you use SetCPU to map
the system ROM into fast memory, SetCPU changes the name of the Workbench
screen to "FastBench".  As far as the marble texture goes, that can be
done with any one of several PD programs that show an IFF picture as the
Workbench background.  I don't know where that IFF can be had, though.

The DiskDoctor threatens the crew!  Next time on AmigaDos: The Next Generation.
	John Lee		Internet: johnhlee@cs.cornell.edu
The above opinions of those of the user, and not of this machine.

eoo@let.rug.nl (Eize Oosting) (05/13/91)

In article <3894@ux.acs.umn.edu> mmoore@ux.acs.umn.edu (Malcolm Diallo Moore) writes:
>In article <12019@uwm.edu> gblock@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Gregory R Block) writes:
>>In the May issue of .info, on page 44, the center picture depicts a
>>very nice looking workbench screen, with a marble texture, and up in
>>the corner is "FastBench screen".  Where can I get my hands on this
>>"Fastbench", and that background pic?  Does anyone know what I am
>>talking about???
>Yes, I know what you're talking about, and I want it too!  Please put me on the
>list asking for the whereabouts (if any) of this Workbench screen.  At first
>I thought it was 2.0 but it can't be because it has the front/back gadgets and
>the disk guage on the left side.
>I want it, it looks so suave!

I don't know the 'Fastbench' program, but when you're looking for programs
which put pictures on the WorkBench, you can try WBPic or Sim. Both programs
resides on Fish disks (some older between 100 and 300 I guess).

  /\__________/\   /\___________________________________________________/\
 /              \ /                                                       \
|   Letteren-    |  Marvin Minsky once defined Artificial Intelligence as: |
|   Faculteit    |   '... the science of making machines do things that    |
| R.U. Groningen |   would require intelligence if done by men'.           |
| The Netherlands|                                                         |
|                |  Does this include adding a device to the Mountlist?    |
| eoo@let.rug.nl |                                           Eize Oosting  |
 \  __________  / \  ___________________________________________________  /
  \/          \/   \/                                                   \/

stephane@grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr (Stephane Guillard) (05/13/91)

In article <1698@gufalet.let.rug.nl> eoo@let.rug.nl (Eize Oosting) writes:
>In article <3894@ux.acs.umn.edu> mmoore@ux.acs.umn.edu (Malcolm Diallo Moore) writes:
>>In article <12019@uwm.edu> gblock@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Gregory R Block) writes:
>>>In the May issue of .info, on page 44, the center picture depicts a
>>>very nice looking workbench screen, with a marble texture, and up in
>>>the corner is "FastBench screen".  Where can I get my hands on this
>>>"Fastbench", and that background pic?  Does anyone know what I am
>>>talking about???
>>I want it, it looks so suave!
>> [...]

  FastBench is the result of applying SetCPU FASTROM on a 68020/68030
  +MMU machine. This is not (to my knowledge) a Fast Workbench program.
  Maybe Dave will confirm.

 \\\  Only Amiga    | Stephane GUILLARD - GRASP INSA Lyon FRANCE
  \\\   makes it    | Tel: +33 72438383 poste 5546
   \\\/// possible! | eMail at : stephane@grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr

mykes@amiga0.SF-Bay.ORG (Mike Schwartz) (05/14/91)

In article <1991May10.204210.17792@cs.cornell.edu> johnhlee@CS.Cornell.EDU (John H. Lee) writes:
>In article <12019@uwm.edu> gblock@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Gregory R Block) writes:
>>In the May issue of .info, on page 44, the center picture depicts a
>>very nice looking workbench screen, with a marble texture, and up in
>>the corner is "FastBench screen".  Where can I get my hands on this
>>"Fastbench", and that background pic?  Does anyone know what I am
>>talking about???
>>All opinions are my own, and not those of my employer.
>>Why?  He doesn't know I'm doing this.
>>								-Wubba
>I haven't seen the picture you refer to, but I thought "FastBench" was a
>side-effect of Dave Haynie's SetCPU program.  When you use SetCPU to map
>the system ROM into fast memory, SetCPU changes the name of the Workbench
>screen to "FastBench".  As far as the marble texture goes, that can be
>done with any one of several PD programs that show an IFF picture as the
>Workbench background.  I don't know where that IFF can be had, though.

My understanding is that once ColorBurst is available, you will be able to
use it to provide a 24-bit color image for your background.  Can't wait...

* I want games that look like Shadow of the Beast  *
* but play like Leisure Suit Larry.                *

hrlaser@crash.cts.com (Harv Laser) (05/15/91)

Guess I need to clear up this BIG MYSTERY about the middle screen shot
in .info #39 (May '91) page 44.  I wrote the text on that page and supplied
.info magazine with the screenshots they used.

The middle screenshot illustrates a program by one Bob Hosch called
"ProStep".  ProStep is described in the paragraph on the same page
roughly next to its screenshot.

That screenshot came out of the PROSTEP.LZH archive file as found in
People/Link's Amiga Zone PRO library.  Thus the screenshot is of Bob
Hosch's WorkBench screen, not mine.

To achieve the look of his WorkBench, Hosch used (as explained in the
.doc file inside PROSTEP.LZH):

-SetCPU 1.5 which yields the "FastBench" screen title. Note that Dave
Haynie took this feature out of SetCPU 1.6 because it messed up some
programs which wanted to find a screen named "WorkBench"

-SimGen was used to give the marbelized background look by applying an
IFF picture to the WorkBench screen

-NewLook was used to give the WorkBench window gadgets that, well, new
look :)

The icons on the screen, such as the disk icon for his "Big Bertha"
partition, and the others were, I assume, also Bob Hosch's creations 
although his .doc file didn't go into any detail about if he mad them
errr made them, or if not, where they came from.

The huge THING in the middle of the screen is the interface for
ProStep itself - it's a program which talks to ASDG's ADPro thru ARexx
(thus, both are required to use it) to shuffle a bunch of pictures into
and out of ADPro and convert them from one format to another using the
same parameters.

So if you want to make your WorkBench screen look like Hosch's screen,
those are the pieces you'll need, plus, of course, a nice IFF of some
kind of marble surface in a format that SimGen will accept.

(Apologies for not remembering the names of the authors of SimGen and

  "Half of me wants to knock you out.                       Harv Laser
  Half of me wants to tell you that           {anywhere}!crash!hrlaser
  I'm sorry..."                         American People/Link: CBM*HARV

  "Half of me wants to knock you out.                       Harv Laser
  Half of me wants to tell you that           {anywhere}!crash!hrlaser
  I'm sorry..."                         American People/Link: CBM*HARV

gblock@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Gregory R Block) (05/16/91)

From article <1991May14.184652.11983@crash.cts.com>, by hrlaser@crash.cts.com (Harv Laser):
> -SimGen was used to give the marbelized background look by applying an
> IFF picture to the WorkBench screen

Yes, I know.  However, I want to find the IFF of the background.  See,
I've never been able to find a marble IFF.  I considered giving it a
whack with TS, but I decided not to...


All opinions are my own, and not those of my employer.
Why?  He doesn't know I'm doing this.

hrlaser@crash.cts.com (Harv Laser) (05/16/91)

In article <12167@uwm.edu> gblock@csd4.csd.uwm.edu writes:
>From article <1991May14.184652.11983@crash.cts.com>, by hrlaser@crash.cts.com (Harv Laser):
>> -SimGen was used to give the marbelized background look by applying an
>> IFF picture to the WorkBench screen
>Yes, I know.  However, I want to find the IFF of the background.  See,
>I've never been able to find a marble IFF.  I considered giving it a
>whack with TS, but I decided not to...
>All opinions are my own, and not those of my employer.
>Why?  He doesn't know I'm doing this.
>								-Wubba

Microillusions published a two disk expansion set of Marble and Wood IFF 
texture/pictures (expansion for Photon Paint, but of course you could use
them for anything) a few years ago. The pix were all in HAM mode.

Microsearch just recently published a 5-disk set of "Materials
Texture Library - Volume 1:Stone" which are all superbitmap HAM IFF

A fellow named Robert Trelease Jr. doing business as Rapid Eye
Technology, 2313 5th St. #1, Santa Monica, CA. 90405 has published
"Digital Marble 1", a collection of overscan interlaced HAM
images of marble which he sells for $15.00 plus $1 sales tax from the
above address. He also has a free demo disk with a sample IFF and
some sample "uses" type pictures.

I have a full page 24-bit flatbed Epson ES-300C scanner connected
to my Amiga and if you wanted to send me a photo or picture of a
favorite marble texture I'd scan it and send it back to you on a
disk you supply - I could massage the scan into any Amiga IFF mode
or send you the actual 24-bit scan file for you to fiddle with. 
Email me if interested and I'll supply you with my mailing address.

So IFF Marbles are OUT there - you just have to do some very low level
sniffing around to get them.