[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Outline fonts for Pro Page

vrr@cbnewsj.att.com (veenu.r.rashid) (05/17/91)

I just bought Pro Page for business correspondence.  Excellent program!
There is only one problem with it:  There are only 2 Compugraphic Outline
fonts included with it.  Does anyone know where I could get more fonts?
Does Gold Disk publish a separate disk with supplementary fonts?  Where
could I get this and how much does it cost?  conversely, are there any
programs to enlarge system fonts to 300 dpi proportions (with aliasing!)?

Thanks very much,


fhwri%CONNCOLL.BITNET@yalevm.ycc.yale.edu (05/17/91)

> I just bought Pro Page for business correspondence.  Excellent program!
> There is only one problem with it:  There are only 2 Compugraphic Outline
> fonts included with it.  Does anyone know where I could get more fonts?
> Does Gold Disk publish a separate disk with supplementary fonts?  Where
> could I get this and how much does it cost?  conversely, are there any
> programs to enlarge system fonts to 300 dpi proportions (with aliasing!)?
> Thanks very much,
> Veenu
> vrr@cbnewsj.att.com
Gold Disk does indeed make other CG fonts available, and they can be used
with Pagestream as well. The big package is $180 or so, but gives you every
font (different names from the Adobe names, but identical fonts) found in a
Postscript laser printer. They also have other font packages for less, with
2 or 3 fonts in each package. Some are more useful for video, but I use
their Cooper Black font with Pagestream a lot.

                                                --Rick Wrigley