[comp.sys.amiga.misc] System requesters during boot?

d87mt@efd.lth.se (Magnus Thelander) (05/17/91)

Can someone explain to me why sometimes a system requester saying
'You MUST replace volume <bootdisk> in unit 0' during boot from df0:?
I haven't removed the disk, so there's really no reason.

I have an A500 running 1.3.

Note: Replace <bootdisk> with the name of your favourite bootdisk.

Magnus Thelander                        |   "Don't roll the dice,
Student at Lund institute of technology |    if you can't pay the price."
Sweden                                  |
Internet: d87mt@efd.lth.se              |   Beretta theme
FIDO-net: 2:200/123.3                   |