[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga A500 PC EmulatoR

billy@tcom.stc.co.uk (Billy Khan) (05/17/91)

Greetings All,

Hope someone can help.
I own an Amiga A500 with various bits and bobs( 2 drives, printer, 1/2meg
upgrade).  I am interested in buying a PC emulator that has recently been 
advertised for it.  I would like to know just how compatable it is ie.

Can I run IBM software using my drive
How fast is it.
Can I play VGA games (eg Xenon2)
Can I use my drive to read and write, then use that disc on a PC
How much is it
Can I turn it off once installed in my machine.
Will I be able to upgrade it (ie if only cga can I upgrade to vga)
will I be able to get all the amiga sound facilities while using PC software

Anything else which you would like to add.

Many thanx in advance.



algoa@eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Gregory Bowers) (05/18/91)

billy@tcom.stc.co.uk (Billy Khan) writes:

>Hope someone can help.
>I own an Amiga A500 with various bits and bobs( 2 drives, printer, 1/2meg
>upgrade).  I am interested in buying a PC emulator that has recently been 
>advertised for it.  I would like to know just how compatable it is ie.

There are 2 that I can think of, the KCS {Something} and the ATOnce. They
should run practically everything that conforms to their Specs ie CGA.

>Can I run IBM software using my drive

I believe they use your 3 1/2 drives.

>How fast is it.

The ATOnce has a 7.2MHZ 286, rather slow for an IBM. I'd say a 12MHZ
is the useful minumum for an IBM. Even then simple scrolling jerks
like crazy in VGA.

>Can I play VGA games (eg Xenon2)

Sorry, none of them support more than CGA. Anyway, while I haven't seen
Xenon 2 on the PC I'm sure it's better suited to the Amiga. Arcade
games usually look stiff, jerky, and not much fun on IBMs. The Sims
are generally pretty good, like Jetfighter 2, the 256 colors help, but
your need a 25MHZ 386 to really enjoy the game. Anyway, since you're
limited to CGA you WILL NOT have any fun playing games on it. Believe
me CGA is useless in graphics mode (Color/Graphics Adapter: now we know.
It means Color OR Graphics, but not both, unless you call black, white,
cyan and magenta colors).

>Can I use my drive to read and write, then use that disc on a PC

Don't know for sure, but I'd guess that's the way they do it. I can't
see much use in doing all the PC emulation with Amiga disk format.

>How much is it

Look in Amiga Format for a mail order place. That'll give you an idea.

>Can I turn it off once installed in my machine.

I should think so. The ATOnce works as a process under AmigaDOS, so
you would have to start it.

>Will I be able to upgrade it (ie if only cga can I upgrade to vga)

Don't know. They don't have VGA yet, they might be working on one, but
they may need to use a couple of megs of RAM to do the emulation. Call
them and find out.

>will I be able to get all the amiga sound facilities while using PC software

If you mean, will it emulate an Adlib, I'd eat my mouse if they have any more
than regular PC beeps, if that. Since the ATOnce can run at the same time as
your Amiga (I think) then you should still have you amiga sound.

>Anything else which you would like to add.

Yes. Make sure you look at one first, at least a comparable PC. CGA is useless
except for applications that don't need any fancy hi res stuff. But more and more
useful stuff wants at least EGA.

Amiga is die beste! 'n IBM is 'n rekenaar? Die Mac is net 'n vrot appel!
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