[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Are there any PD DMCS song players?

mark@zach.fit.edu ( Mark R. Craig) (05/11/91)

I asked this before, but got no response...Does anyone know of a Public
Domain DMCS (Deluxe Music Construction Set, I believe) song player (or
a program to convert DMCS songs to SMUS, SoundTracker/Noisetracker, MED,
etc. format).  An ftp site would be nice (or though email, or USENET).

Mark Craig

Mark R. Craig
Internet:  mark@zach.fit.edu
UUCP:      ...!winnie!zach!mark

hb136@leah.albany.edu (Herb Brown) (05/12/91)

In article <2426@winnie.fit.edu> mark@zach.fit.edu ( Mark R. Craig) writes:
>I asked this before, but got no response...Does anyone know of a Public
>Domain DMCS (Deluxe Music Construction Set, I believe) song player (or
>a program to convert DMCS songs to SMUS, SoundTracker/Noisetracker, MED,
>etc. format).  An ftp site would be nice (or though email, or USENET).

Try SMUSPlayers on FF-58.

>Mark Craig


Herb Brown  Math Dept  The Univ at Albany  Albany, NY 12222  (518) 442-4640
hibrown@leah.albany.edu or hibrown@cssun.albany.edu or hibrown@bst.albany.edu

djh@neuromancer.metaphor.com (Dallas J. Hodgson) (05/14/91)

In article <2426@winnie.fit.edu> mark@zach.fit.edu ( Mark R. Craig) writes:
>I asked this before, but got no response...Does anyone know of a Public
>Domain DMCS (Deluxe Music Construction Set, I believe) song player (or
>a program to convert DMCS songs to SMUS, SoundTracker/Noisetracker, MED,
>etc. format).  An ftp site would be nice (or though email, or USENET).

Maybe you got no response because the answer is so obvious. Load in DMCS
files under DMCS, and Save it back as a SMUS file. Use a PD player (such as
my smus_3.6a, available from Fred Fish) and you're done. There are no
DMCS-native format players besides DMCS.
| Dallas J. Hodgson               |     "These days, you have to be pretty   |
| Metaphor Computer Systems       |      technical before you can even       |
| Mountain View, Ca.              |      aspire to crudeness."               | 
| USENET : djh@metaphor.com       |            - William Gibson              |
| "The views I express are my own, and not necessarily those of my employer" |

cs114kak@iitmax.iit.edu (Kevin A. Kadow) (05/14/91)

You suggested SMUSplayers on FF-58. Will these play DMCS, or do you have to
save the DMCS files as SMUS files?

Lastly, WHAT is the full name of FF-58? it's not in my site lists.


luser@disk.uucp (Luser) (05/14/91)

mark@zach.fit.edu ( Mark R. Craig) writes:

>I asked this before, but got no response...Does anyone know of a Public
>Domain DMCS (Deluxe Music Construction Set, I believe) song player (or
>a program to convert DMCS songs to SMUS, SoundTracker/Noisetracker, MED,
>etc. format).  An ftp site would be nice (or though email, or USENET).

>Mark Craig

>Mark R. Craig
>Internet:  mark@zach.fit.edu
>UUCP:      ...!winnie!zach!mark

Sorry there are no PD players for DMCS songs.  The only player is DMCS itself.
I don't think there is anything that can convert it either.  I have not seen
anything.  Let me know if you do find one.  I would love to have it.


+-------------------------------------------+            luser@disk.UUCP
|  That is not dead which can eternal lie,  |        uunet!coplex!disk!luser
| and with strange eons even death may die. |
+-------------------------H.P. Lovecraft----+             Dieties 'R' Us

mark@zach.fit.edu ( Mark R. Craig) (05/14/91)

In article <688@cronos.metaphor.com> djh@neuromancer.metaphor.com (Dallas J. Hodgson) writes:
 >In article <2426@winnie.fit.edu> mark@zach.fit.edu ( Mark R. Craig) writes:
 >>I asked this before, but got no response...Does anyone know of a Public
 >>Domain DMCS (Deluxe Music Construction Set, I believe) song player (or
 >>a program to convert DMCS songs to SMUS, SoundTracker/Noisetracker, MED,
 >>etc. format).  An ftp site would be nice (or though email, or USENET).
 >Maybe you got no response because the answer is so obvious. Load in DMCS
 >files under DMCS, and Save it back as a SMUS file. Use a PD player (such as
 >my smus_3.6a, available from Fred Fish) and you're done. There are no
 >DMCS-native format players besides DMCS.
 >| Dallas J. Hodgson               |     "These days, you have to be pretty   |
 >| Metaphor Computer Systems       |      technical before you can even       |
 >| Mountain View, Ca.              |      aspire to crudeness."               | 
 >| USENET : djh@metaphor.com       |            - William Gibson              |
 >| "The views I express are my own, and not necessarily those of my employer" |

It's only obvious if I had Deluxe Music Construction Set, in which case I
wouldn't need a DMCS Player or converter.  Unfortunately I don't have DMCS.
Is it even still being sold? (I don't know)


Mark R. Craig
Internet:  mark@zach.fit.edu
UUCP:      ...!winnie!zach!mark

ewilts@janus.mtroyal.ab.ca (Ed Wilts) (05/15/91)

In article <2446@winnie.fit.edu>, mark@zach.fit.edu ( Mark R. Craig) writes:
> In article <688@cronos.metaphor.com> djh@neuromancer.metaphor.com (Dallas J. Hodgson) writes:
>  >In article <2426@winnie.fit.edu> mark@zach.fit.edu ( Mark R. Craig) writes:
>  >>I asked this before, but got no response...Does anyone know of a Public
>  >>Domain DMCS (Deluxe Music Construction Set, I believe) song player (or
>  >>a program to convert DMCS songs to SMUS, SoundTracker/Noisetracker, MED,
>  >>etc. format).  An ftp site would be nice (or though email, or USENET).
>  >>Thanks...
>  >
>  >Maybe you got no response because the answer is so obvious. Load in DMCS
>  >files under DMCS, and Save it back as a SMUS file. Use a PD player (such as
>  >my smus_3.6a, available from Fred Fish) and you're done. There are no
>  >DMCS-native format players besides DMCS.

Maybe he didn't get an answer because there isn't one.  If you weren't so
arrogant and trying to promote your own smus player, you'd perhaps realize that
there is not a direct correlation between DMCS format and SMUS format.  Saving
in SMUS will mean that you'll miss out on many DMCS features, including all the
play styles (and I think repeats).

Unfortunately, the only way to play DMCS songs properly is to purchase DMCS. 

>  >-- 
>  >+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>  >| Dallas J. Hodgson               |     "These days, you have to be pretty   |
>  >| Metaphor Computer Systems       |      technical before you can even       |
>  >| Mountain View, Ca.              |      aspire to crudeness."               | 
>  >| USENET : djh@metaphor.com       |            - William Gibson              |
> It's only obvious if I had Deluxe Music Construction Set, in which case I
> wouldn't need a DMCS Player or converter.  Unfortunately I don't have DMCS.
> Is it even still being sold? (I don't know)

I believe it is.  Check around, even the mail order places.  It isn't being
updated any more (too bad, the bugs and limitiations could use some work), but
the product works, even under 2.02.

> Mark R. Craig
> Internet:  mark@zach.fit.edu
> UUCP:      ...!winnie!zach!mark
        .../Ed     Preferrred:  Ed.Wilts@BSC.Galaxy.BCSystems.Gov.BC.CA
Ed Wilts            Alternate:  EdWilts@BCSC02.BITNET    (604) 389-3430
B.C. Systems Corp., 4000 Seymour Place, Victoria, B.C., Canada, V8X 4S8

walterb@cray.com (Walter Boese) (05/15/91)

I would like to play my DMCS songs also, on a stand alone basis.
I have converted the to scores (songs), but I don't have all the
instruments in a SMUS format that the SMUS player can use.
Is there some program available that will do this for me?
Walter Boese    walterb@sequoia.cray.com

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) (05/18/91)

In article <688@cronos.metaphor.com> djh@neuromancer.metaphor.com (Dallas J. Hodgson) writes:
> Maybe you got no response because the answer is so obvious. Load in DMCS
> files under DMCS, and Save it back as a SMUS file. Use a PD player (such as
> my smus_3.6a, available from Fred Fish) and you're done. There are no
> DMCS-native format players besides DMCS.

You missed a step there. You also need to manually copy out any repeats,
because DMCS neglects to do that when writing a SMUS file. :-<
Peter da Silva.   `-_-'