[comp.sys.amiga.misc] ftp sites

zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu (Dan Zerkle) (05/19/91)

In article <199118.1107.15565@canrem.uucp> "david wyand" <david.wyand@canrem.uucp> writes:
>Hi ALL!
>As I'm new to using these nets, I was wondering how to access FTP sites,
>maybe more specifically, ab20.larc.nasa.gov, and what files may be
>necassary to uncompress or reformat files on the Amiga.

Three things:

All this information should be in comp.sys.amiga.introduction, in
messages that get posted monthly.  If there is some "beginner"
information about the nets, you can probably ask an administrator at
your site about it.  If not, try asking in

You probably CAN'T use ftp, as you don't seem to be on a site that's
directly on the Internet, and BITFTP just went away for non-Bitnet
users.  Sorry.  There are still a few servers that can get good files
for you.

I was going to tell you this via mail, but you didn't post your e-mail
address.  Make up a signature to stick at the end of your post that
gives a usable e-mail address.  No, "user@machine.uucp" is usually NOT
a good enough address.  You'll need to specify a path from some fully
domained site, likely uunet.uu.net.  Ask someone at your site how to
do this, or read about it in alt.sys.amiga.uucp.  A gentleman by the
name of Matt Dillon has a file explaining the best way to specify your
address, and he's all over that group.

           Dan Zerkle  zerkle@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu  (916) 754-0240
           Amiga...  Because life is too short for boring computers.