[comp.sys.amiga.misc] ccd 2.0 available on ab20

beust@taloa.unice.fr (Cedric Beust) (05/20/91)

[I know this should have been posted to csa.announce but moderated
newsgroups posts don't seem to be working very well here...]

 ccd is a utility that allows you to cd to long paths by just
using a fraction of this path. For example, if you have a directory


you'll just have to type

   1> ccd system

and even

   2> ccd sys

  ccd can handle ambiguities and version 2.0 includes a quick and
dirty graphic interface (a la ncd, for those who know). Improvements
are under work.

NOTE: the file uploaded a few days ago had been cut off, so I uploaded it
      again and it should work fine now.

  Any comments welcome.

| Cedric BEUST                                     University of Nice    |
| INET: beust@taloa.unice.fr                       $whoami               |
| UUCP: llaor.unice.fr!arkonis!beust               god (personal alias)  |
|                   -- "To be, or not to be...",                         |
|                      That is illogical, captain!                       |
|                                     -- Spock                           |