[comp.sys.amiga.misc] BITFTP, etc...

ksk@sactoh0.sac.ca.us (Ken S. Krebs) (05/20/91)

Does anyone know of any other way to FTP files without having
access to FTP?  I used to rely on BITFTP but since they only are
available to Earn, BITNET and NetWorth users now I need to find
some other way to get files through the mail.
I have heard of FTPMAIL but don't know how to get to it.  Anyone
know the mailing address of it?  Also, to get a help file on using
it do you just mail a letter to them with only the word "help" in
it like BITFTP?  
If anyone knows of any other Amiga file servers or FTP through the
mail servers, please post a public article so others can see too.
Much obliged....

|NewOrderDepecheModeSiouxsie&TheBanshees| Internet: ksk@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US  |
|ModernEnglishBookofLoveTheCureKraftwerk| UUCP: ..ames!pacbell!sactoh0!ksk |
|KillingJokeBigCountryU2UltravoxFishbone| "Sammy Spermite Strikes Again!"  |
| Live 105 -=>Long live Modern Rock!<=- | "What would I do w/o the Amiga?" |

uzun@pnet01.cts.com (Roger Uzun) (05/20/91)

I also have recently lost FTP access nowthat BITFTP has become
more selective.  Can someone post how one can get access to ftp
from pnet, besides BITFTP?

UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd ucsd nosc}!crash!pnet01!uzun
ARPA: crash!pnet01!uzun@nosc.mil
INET: uzun@pnet01.cts.com