[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Power Up deal and 3000 16/50 with 1950 monitor for $1849.00?

guy@ns.network.com (Guy D'Andrea) (05/20/91)

Commodore is running TWO SEPERATE PROMOTIONS.  One offers the A3000 16/50
with a free 1950 monitor for IF THE MACHINE IS BOUGHT AT FULL PRICE.  The
other deal is the power up deal; it is ENTIRELY SEPERATE and CANNOT BE
MIXED with the other deal.  If you don't believe me, come in to XXXXX's
and I'll show you the letters we received from both our distributor and
the Vice President of Sales at CBM stating what I have just said.

There is one dealer in the entire United States of American that is
offering the A3000 16/50 with free 1950 monitor for the power-up price.  I
have to confess that we at XXXXX's were stunned when we found out (I
follow UseNet, which is where I'm sure most people have heard it...) and
immediately called both our distributor and the dealer.  When I called the
dealer in question he told me:

"The paperwork for the two deals is seperate.  Our distributor is so dumb,
he'll accept both deals."

Good luck!  XXXXX called him back and asked him how many machines he had
shipped under this program.  He said NONE.  XXXXX asked him if he found it
surprising that he was the only dealer in the entire continental United
States offering the 16/50 with free 1950...he became defensive and said
that the other dealers were "stupid" or that they "didn't know how to read
contracts."  XXXXX said "I'll take 10 of these machines then."  The dealer
paused for a minute, and then said he couldn't handle that many.  He, as I
said, hadn't even shipped a single unit under the Power up program.

I'll be straight-- this guy is commiting fraud, contract violation, and
several other nefarious acts I won't go into.  We DO NOT get a free 1950
with every power up deal we do, and we aren't raping customers for hideous
profit margins.  The margins CBM gives us on Hardware are a lot lower than
you might think, and It saddens me to think that a single mixed-up Indiana
dealer could lead people to believe that.

If you have any other questions-- post 'em or send e-mail.  I'll be happy
to respond, or to show you the letters and relevant portions of our
contract with our distributor and CBM.


Well that's it folks!  The truth is out.  And I'm sure your local dealer
will verify that getting a 3000 16/50 with 1950 monitor, is a separate deal...

I did not wait for permission from the originator to post this so I left out
his name.

 Guy Dandrea, Network Systems Corp.                       //                 
 guy@nsco.network.com #                    \\ //                  
 7600 Boone Ave No, Mpls. MN 55428                     \X/                   
 1-800-328-9108  Fax:(612)424-1736   "Me and my Amiga...anything is possible?"