[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Diablo, a very old game.

robert@alliant.backbone.uoknor.edu (Robert Lindsay) (05/20/91)

I found this game at a used game shop, and was very surprised to find
the it works under 2.0! Well, almost. If I run it under Nofastmem, it's
fine, otherwise it crashes with a stack under/overflow. I've tried seting
the stack to 40000 and running fixhunk from FF197 on it, but have had no
sucess. Any suggestions on what else I could try? 

BTW the game is pretty nice. HD installable, exits to WB, has a icon
and multitasks! Somebody followed the rules back in 1986!

Oh yes 3000/25-40 with 2.02 running.

robert lindsay