[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Help with orphaned disk directory.

sno@ais.org (Stephen Opal) (05/21/91)

Well, I did the stupidest thing recently.  I was using my favorite disk
directory manager, and was looking at this particular directory and one
of its subdirectories.  I selected the parent directory and moved it to
be a subdirectory of its own subdirectory.  Instant orphaned diretories.

I've tried disksalv, but I only want to recover the 20 or so files caught
in this loop without trying to recover all 200 megs of that partition.  The
catch is you have to *know* the file names of each file.  I've tried using
only a directory qualifier, but that always fails.

I've tried diskx, but I have to zap the program every time I need to look
at a disk that doesn't have one of the default disk names.  I can find 
files I know the name of, but can't find the directory tree for those files.

Am I in danger of writing over these files?  I presume not, because they
should continue to be marked as used if I understand correctly.  How
can I get the files out, without disksalving the entire disk, and without
knowing the names of all the files?  Any good PD sector editors out there
that can handle this?  Or am I missing something simple?

I'm at the mercy of the net on this one.

Stephen N. Opal      sno@ais.org     rjf001!sno-1!sno