[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Mouse Blanker

mike@otto.UUCP (Mike Mazzone) (05/21/91)

Just got my 3000 on May 16 (ordered it on May 6) and have most everything
running correctly.  The only thing I can't seem to find is a mouse blanker.
Every mouse blanker I found works fine under 1.3 but not 2.0.  Does anyone
know of one that works, I would love to get rid of the mouse when reading
news or using the cli.


 Mike Mazzone (mike@otto.lvsun.com {psivax,jimi, mirror}!otto!mike)
 2551 Green Valley Parkway      No one will mourn one less
 Henderson, NV  89014           lawyer in the world - Louis Cyphre