[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Needed: Editor for a BBS that uses stdio...

dinn@ug.cs.dal.ca (Michael 'Moose' Dinn) (05/21/91)

Anyone have one? C code preferred, Pascal accepted... anything else
a help.

 Basically I need a user-proof editor that has no need for VTxxx/ANSI 

 Michael Dinn, Sysop of the Moose's Swamp - Nova Scotia's largest Amiga BBS
 +1 (902) 463-0483, 3/12/24/48/96/14,400 baud * 290 Megabytes online
 Home: moose%swamp%banke1@cs.dal.ca (Amiga1000 running UUCP/BBS)
 School: mdinn@ac.dal.ca, dinn@ug.cs.dal.ca     | These are my opinions and
 Work:   01Moose@dalac.bitnet IRC-Op: Moose     | noone else's. (blame me :-)