[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Looking for Eddy Carroll or his 'unshar'

clemon@lemsys.UUCP (Craig Lemon) (05/22/91)

        Could Eddy Carroll, the authour of another 'unshar' program for the
Amiga contact me by E-Mail.  Actually, would anyone with this piece of
software that is able to mail files please respond.  I lost this program in
an HD crash and would like to get it back as well as report a bug.

 Craig Lemon - Kitchener, Ontario. Amiga B2000 UUCPv1.13D.
 clemon@lemsys.UUCP lemsys!clemon@xenitec.on.ca | Please Mail any binaries
 xenitec!lemsys!clemon@watmath.uwaterloo.edu    | to 'files' at this site
 ..!uunet!watmath!xenitec!lemsys!clemon         | instead of 'clemon'