[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Power Up or 3000 with free 1950...

lcs@remus.rutgers.edu (Lyle C. Seplowitz) (05/22/91)

guy@ns.network.com (Guy D'Andrea) writes:

>Commodore is running TWO SEPERATE PROMOTIONS.  One offers the A3000 16/50
>with a free 1950 monitor for IF THE MACHINE IS BOUGHT AT FULL PRICE.  The
>other deal is the power up deal; it is ENTIRELY SEPERATE and CANNOT BE
>MIXED with the other deal.  If you don't believe me, come in to XXXXX's

Which is better?
I can get an Amiga 3000/16-50 for $2658 (on Power Up) including tax,
1950 monitor and those speakers since the 1950 doesn't have audio
(what a STUPID design--who thought of that one--as if I'm not paying
enough for the monitor, for its price it should include audio). By the
way, what is the retail price of the 1950 and those speakers? I know
you can connect it to the stereo...but I'll be living at home and my
mother won't appreciate that.


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         l  c  s  @  r  e  m  u  s  .  r  u  t  g  e  r  s  .  e  d  u

Everything stated or expressed in this post is strictly my opinion or viewpoint