[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Vfont2,0

ravi@TECHUNIX.TECHNION.AC.IL (avi rozen) (05/22/91)

Hi all!
	I've examined the Vfont2 package found on ab20, and would 
like to share some thoughts with the rest of the amiga community.

	Although the package ,which includes a font editor and a 
library of usefull commands, is very impressive I fail to understand 
why can't all the amiga community agree on a single outline fonts 
format, and consentrate on improving the handling of these fonts in 
the operating system level.

	As I understand Commodore is about to come with a new OS 
which has allready a full support for CG fonts, so does the major 
DTP packages for the amiga (Pro-Page and Pagestream) .

	But still therer is no font editor for those fonts available and 
nither a library similar to the one found in the vfont package.

	In order for the amiga to enter and compete in the DTP 
market we need to show standarts that are compatible to the DTP
market and that offers the user the power to edit fonts that will 
enable him to utilize the power those programs I mentioned earlier provide.

	I would appreciate comments on this issue, especialy if anyone knows
a good Font editor for the CGfonts.

				Thanx and Happy computing.
				Avi Rozen. (ravi@techunix.technion.ac.il)

rcj2@cbnewsd.att.com (ray.c.jender) (05/22/91)

In article <9963@discus.technion.ac.il> ravi@techunix.technion.ac.il (avi rozen) writes:
>Hi all!
>	I've examined the Vfont2 package found on ab20, and would 
>like to share some thoughts with the rest of the amiga community.
>	In order for the amiga to enter and compete in the DTP 
>market we need to show standarts that are compatible to the DTP
>market and that offers the user the power to edit fonts that will 
>enable him to utilize the power those programs I mentioned earlier provide.
>	I would appreciate comments on this issue, especialy if anyone knows
>a good Font editor for the CGfonts.
>				Thanx and Happy computing.
>				Avi Rozen. (ravi@techunix.technion.ac.il)

	I could'nt agree with you more. My mouth really waters when
	I read advertisements for various tools for Postscript and
	fonts for the Mac platform. Come on Gold Disk, give us DTP'ers
	something to smile about. 
	BTW Avi, could you tell us more about the VFont program?