[comp.sys.amiga.misc] The Moon

fhwri%CONNCOLL.BITNET@yalevm.ycc.yale.edu (05/21/91)

> Hi!
> I'm looking for a program that display's the position of the moon - full,
> half, less than full.. (No, i'm not a werwolf) 8^)
> If anyone know's about a prg like these - please post the name of it.
> Thanx in advance - Kay.
> Kay Sievert      | Priv: +49 40 2995588 |      >> Time is on my side.. <<
> Hamburg, Germany |  BBS: +49 40 2991477 |           (Rolling Stones)
DISTANT SUNS 3.0 wil not only do that, but anything else in astronomy. It's
exactly what you want. Trust me.

(and no commission, Mike S.!)

                                                --Rick Wrigley
                                ~~~second-hand smoke is THEFT~~~

GUTEST8@cc1.kuleuven.ac.be (Ives Aerts) (05/22/91)

In article <9105191639.10.047
>I'm looking for a program that display's the position of the moon - full,
>half, less than full.. (No, i'm not a werwolf) 8^)

One of the funnier programs that notifys you of the current moon
position is NetHack 8^)

      Ives Aerts           |          IBM definition SY-34378
GUTEST8@BLEKUL11.BITNET    |   A signature consists of sequences of
gutest8@cc1.kuleuven.ac.be | non-blank characters separated by blanks.