[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Help requested from a Germany user.

neiger@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au (Neiger) (05/23/91)

Could someone in Germany please contact A.A.Walma
Ziegelmattenstrasse 5
Ph 0761 64832
and ask him to contact me by E-mail as I need to ask him some questions about
his DPFFT program.

The specific question is
How do you convert the harmonic value (given by his program) into a frequency.

Thank you to anyone who can do that for me.


David S. Neiger                 |  neiger@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au
                                |  neiger@eng2.eng.monash.edu.au
Research Assistant              |  phone:  +61 3 565 4372 (W/H)
Accident Research Centre        |  fax  :  +61 3 571 1894 (By arrangement)
Monash University.  CLAYTON  Vic.  3168.  Australia.