[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Review of SAS/C

lord_zar@ucrmath.ucr.edu (wayne wallace) (05/22/91)

Hiya. After letting my chin drop with the debugging ability Turbo C has on
the IBM, I wondered if the Amiga had anything similar to Turbo C's IDE, with
all the bells and whistles of Turbo C. Then I heard Lattice/SAS C DID have all
those nifty bells and whistles. Now then, I considered just asking for a summary
of features from people, but decided against it, since c.s.a.reviews could
really use some traffic. So I'm requesting that some knowledgable person out
there snag the review guidlines for him/herself and write up something nifty.

You see, SAS/C doesn't appear in Software, Etc. and other such stores; I just
see it in mail order for ~$200, so I'd like some information before I plunk
money down, and I bet many others would, too.

So: write up a review and submit it!


leh@atlantis.cis.ufl.edu (Les Hill) (05/24/91)

In article <lord_zar.674858908@ucrmath>, lord_zar@ucrmath.ucr.edu (wayne wallace) writes:
|> You see, SAS/C doesn't appear in Software, Etc. and other such stores; I just
|> see it in mail order for ~$200, so I'd like some information before I plunk
|> money down, and I bet many others would, too.
|> Wayne

(The below should be confirmed by a call to SAS; I received said discount recently)

For those of you who are considering purchasing SAS/C AND are University affiliated:
SAS offers a 50% educational discount.

This means a direct order from SAS will come out to $150 plus shipping.


Extraordinary crimes against the people and the state have to be avenged by
agents extraordinary.  Two such people are John Steed -- top professional, and
his partner, Emma Peel -- talented amateur; otherwise known as "The Avengers."
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