[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Matt Dillon Software Collection?

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) (05/19/91)

Matt Dillon is probably the most prolific freeware author on the Amiga, and
I'm beginning to think anywhere. He's certainly the most versatile. What does
the complete Matt Dillon collection consist of? What I know of is:


And I keep running into little things that don't have the distinctive D-name.
How much else is there?
Peter da Silva.   `-_-'

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) (05/20/91)

In article <1991May19.122807.19346@sugar.hackercorp.com> peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
|Matt Dillon is probably the most prolific freeware author on the Amiga, and
|I'm beginning to think anywhere. He's certainly the most versatile. What does
|the complete Matt Dillon collection consist of? What I know of is:
|	AmigaUUCP
|	DTerm
|And I keep running into little things that don't have the distinctive D-name.
|How much else is there?

Don't forget DMouse & DMake.

Dave Schaumann      | There is no cause so right that one cannot find a fool
dave@cs.arizona.edu | following it.	- Niven's Law # 16

hychejw@infonode.ingr.com (Jeff W. Hyche) (05/20/91)

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) writes:

>Matt Dillon is probably the most prolific freeware author on the Amiga, and
>I'm beginning to think anywhere. He's certainly the most versatile. What does
>the complete Matt Dillon collection consist of? What I know of is:

>	AmigaUUCP
>	DTerm

>And I keep running into little things that don't have the distinctive D-name.
>How much else is there?
>Peter da Silva.   `-_-'

	Not to forget the Mult WB and the FMS device. 
                                  // Jeff Hyche           
    There can be only one!    \\ //  Usenet: hychejw@infonode.ingr.com
                               \X/   Freenet: ap255@po.CWRU.Edu

heiko@methan.chemie.fu-berlin.de (Heiko Schlichting) (05/20/91)

hychejw@infonode.ingr.com (Jeff W. Hyche) writes:
>peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) writes:

>>Matt Dillon is probably the most prolific freeware author on the Amiga, and
>>I'm beginning to think anywhere. He's certainly the most versatile. What does
>>the complete Matt Dillon collection consist of? What I know of is:
>>	AmigaUUCP
>>	DTerm
>>	DME
>>And I keep running into little things that don't have the distinctive D-name.
>>How much else is there?
>	Not to forget the Mult WB and the FMS device. 

You forget

Bye, Heiko.
 |~|    Heiko Schlichting                   | Freie Universitaet Berlin 
 / \    heiko@fub.uucp                      | Institut fuer Organische Chemie
/FUB\   heiko@methan.chemie.fu-berlin.de    | Takustrasse 3
`---'   phone +49 30 838-2677; fax ...-5163 | D-1000 Berlin 33  Germany

heiko@methan.chemie.fu-berlin.de (Heiko Schlichting) (05/20/91)

heiko@methan.chemie.fu-berlin.de (Heiko Schlichting) writes:
>hychejw@infonode.ingr.com (Jeff W. Hyche) writes:
>>peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) writes:

>>>Matt Dillon is probably the most prolific freeware author on the Amiga, and
>>>I'm beginning to think anywhere. He's certainly the most versatile. What does
>>>the complete Matt Dillon collection consist of? What I know of is:
>>>	DICE
>>>	AmigaUUCP
>>>	DTerm
>>>	DME
>>>	DNET
>>>And I keep running into little things that don't have the distinctive D-name.
>>>How much else is there?
>>	Not to forget the Mult WB and the FMS device. 
>You forget

	Csh	(older versions)
	WireDemo (aehm...)

How about a "Dillon Operation System" (say "DOS") for the Amiga?

Bye, Heiko.
 |~|    Heiko Schlichting                   | Freie Universitaet Berlin 
 / \    heiko@fub.uucp                      | Institut fuer Organische Chemie
/FUB\   heiko@methan.chemie.fu-berlin.de    | Takustrasse 3
`---'   phone +49 30 838-2677; fax ...-5163 | D-1000 Berlin 33  Germany

Lee Sailer <UH2@psuvm.psu.edu> (05/21/91)

>>>Matt Dillon is probably the most prolific freeware author on the Amiga, and
>>>I'm beginning to think anywhere. He's certainly the most versatile. What
>>>the complete Matt Dillon collection consist of? What I know of is:
>>>      DICE
>>>      AmigaUUCP
>>>      DTerm
>>>      DME
>>>      DNET
>>       Not to forget the Mult WB and the FMS device.

>You forget
>        DMOUSE
>        DCRON

...and though he hates to have it know, Matt Dillon is also the author
of Marc Barrett. 8-)  It started out as his senior thesis in AI at
UCB, and he accidently unleashed it on the Internet.
 The rest is fiction...

hawk@pnet01.cts.com (John Anderson) (05/21/91)

>>Matt Dillon is probably the most prolific freeware author on the Amiga, and
>>I'm beginning to think anywhere. He's certainly the most versatile. What   
>>does the complete Matt Dillon collection consist of? What I know of is:    
>>       DICE                                                                
>>       AmigaUUCP                                                           
>>       DTerm                                                               
>>       DME                                                                 
>>       DNET                                                                
>>I keep running into little things that don't have the distinctive D-name.  
>>How much else is there?                                                    
>>Peter da Silva.   `-_-'                                                    
>        Not to forget the Mult WB and the FMS device.                       
... and DASM, the Dillon cross assembler to 6502 and other processors.       

alex@bilver.uucp (Alex Matulich) (05/21/91)

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
>Matt Dillon is probably the most prolific freeware author on the Amiga, and
>I'm beginning to think anywhere. He's certainly the most versatile. What does
>the complete Matt Dillon collection consist of? What I know of is:


You left out my favorite:  DMouse.  A mouse-accelerator and screen/mouse
blanker with auto-window-activation, and, thankfully, no built-in clock.

 _ |__  Alex Matulich
 /(+__>  Unicorn Research Corp, 4621 N Landmark Dr, Orlando, FL 32817
//| \     UUCP:  alex@bilver.uucp   <or>  ...uunet!tarpit!bilver!alex
///__)     bitnet:  IN%"bilver!alex@uunet.uu.net"

elg@elgamy.RAIDERNET.COM (Eric Lee Green) (05/22/91)

From article <1524@caslon.cs.arizona.edu>, by dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann):
> In article <1991May19.122807.19346@sugar.hackercorp.com> peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
> |     DICE > |     AmigaUUCP > |     DTerm > |     DME > |     DNET
> Don't forget DMouse & DMake.

Dasm (his 680x/6502 cross-assembler).

walt@bcarh133.uucp (Walt Sullivan) (05/22/91)

In article <1524@caslon.cs.arizona.edu> dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) writes:

   In article <1991May19.122807.19346@sugar.hackercorp.com> peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
   |Matt Dillon is probably the most prolific freeware author on the Amiga, and
   |I'm beginning to think anywhere. He's certainly the most versatile. What does
   |the complete Matt Dillon collection consist of? What I know of is:
[Short, Human memory-based list deleted]
By grepping through my alphabetical list of Fish disk contents, I came up

Name           Fish Disk  
Backup v2.04        258   Matt Dillon 
Bezier               75   Matt Dillon
BSplines             75   Matt Dillon
CheckModem           46   Matt Dillon
CloseWB              65   Matt Dillon
Csh                  24   Matt Dillon
Csh v2.01A           36   Matt Dillon
Csh v2.03            41   Matt Dillon
Csh v2.04            48   Matt Dillon
Csh v2.04M           48   Matt Dillon, Manx version by Steve Drew
Csh v2.05            55   Matt Dillon, Manx'ified by Steve Drew
Csh v2.06            85   Matt Dillon, Manx'ified by Steve Drew
Csh v2.07           107   Matt Dillon
Csh v2.07+          145   Matt Dillon; enhancements by Johan Widen
Csh v3.02a          199   Matt Dillon, Steve Drew, Carlo Borreo, Cesare Dieni
Csh v3.03a          223   Matt Dillon, Steve Drew, Carlo Borreo, Cesare Dieni
Csh v4.00a          309   Matt Dillon, Steve Drew, Carlo Borreo, Cesare Dieni
Csh v4.01a          331   Matt Dillon, Steve Drew, Carlo Borreo, Cesare Dieni 
Csh v4.02a          458   Matt Dillon, Steve Drew, Carlo Borreo, Cesare Dieni
DAsm v2.12          287   Matt Dillon
DCmd v1.00          408   Matthew Dillon
DICE v2.02          359   Matthew Dillon
DICE v2.06.14       443   Matthew Dillon
DillonDisk #1       168   Matt Dillon
DillonDisk #2       169   Matt Dillon
Dio                  73   Matt Dillon
Dme v1.22            59   Matt Dillon
Dme v1.25            74   Matt Dillon
Dme v1.27            87   Matt Dillon
Dme v1.27            93   Matt Dillon
Dme v1.28f          113   Matt Dillon
Dme v1.29           134   Matt Dillon
Dme v1.30           153   Matt Dillon
Dme v1.38           284   Matt Dillon
Dme v1.42           441   Matt Dillon
DMouse              421   Matt Dillon
DMouse v1.06        145   Matt Dillon
DMouse v1.09        160   Matt Dillon
DMouse v1.20        238   Matt Dillon
DMouse v1.20+       258   Matt Dillon 
DMouse v1.24        407   Matt Dillon
DNet                220   Matt Dillon
DNet v1.20          145   Matt Dillon
DNet v2.10.13       294   Matt Dillon
DosDev v1.10        113   Matt Dillon
DTerm v1.10          73   Matt Dillon
FifoDev             432   Matt Dillon
FifoDev             448   Matt Dillon
FmsDisk             294   Matt Dillon
Gwin v2.06          434   Matt Dillon
IffDump              38   Matt Dillon
MadBlanker v2.0     406   Matt Dillon
MWB v1.01            65   Matt Dillon
My.lib               46   Matt Dillon
ParNet v2.4         400   Doug Walker, John Toebes, Matt Dillon
PipeDevice           55   Matt Dillon
shell                14   Matt Dillon
Suplib              126   Matt Dillon
Suplib              258   Matt Dillon 
TDebug v1.00         74   Matt Dillon
UUCP v1.00          310   Various, major enhancements by Matt Dillon 
UUCP v1.03D         313   Various, major enhancements by Matt Dillon 
UUCP v1.06D         360   Various, major enhancements by Matt Dillon
UUCP v1.08D         442   Various, major enhancements by Matt Dillon
UUCP v1.08D         443   Various, major enhance. by Matt Dillon
WireDemo            118   Matt Dillon

Thanks, Matt!
Walt Sullivan
BITNET: walt@bnr.ca (work)
UUCP: walt@orbit.amiga.ocunix.on.ca (home)

dales@teksce.SCE.TEK.COM (Dale Snell) (05/24/91)


In article <1991May21.160301.10904@bilver.uucp> alex@bilver.uucp 
(Alex Matulich) writes:
|peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
|>Matt Dillon is probably the most prolific freeware author on the Amiga, and
|>I'm beginning to think anywhere. He's certainly the most versatile. What does
|>the complete Matt Dillon collection consist of? What I know of is:
|You left out my favorite:  DMouse.  A mouse-accelerator and screen/mouse
|blanker with auto-window-activation, and, thankfully, no built-in clock.

     True, DMouse has no clock.  (Which is fine with me!)  However,
Matt did write a small clock program, called, appropriately enough,
"Clock".  I think it was included with his DRes (?) compile-time
library as a demo.  (That's where the "config" facility in DNet comes
from.  Hmm...  Has DRes been mentioned yet?  If not, consider it
mentioned.)  Anyway, this clock is a nice little analog display, in a
borderless window, with an invisible close gadget. Config will set the
position and size of the window in the clock executable.  A nice,
unobtrusive little program.

     Thanks, Matt, for all those fine programs!


"The trackdisk's track seeks to seek   | Dale D. Snell       BIX:  ddsnell
 to Ami's request but Ami's request    | Usenet:  dales@teksce.SCE.TEK.COM
 seeks to seek the trackdisk's track   | CServe:  74756.666@compuserve.COM
 just one block per track per handle." | Disclaimer:  My opinions, *mine!*
                  -- Matt Dillon