[comp.sys.amiga.misc] amiga sales

s8922967@ipc02.mqcs.mq.oz.au (Murray John GILBERT) (05/23/91)

In article <199121.1107.15569@canrem.uucp> "michael stanley" <michael.stanley@canrem.uucp> writes:
>To what I hear, from the reps at Commodore, there have been 3.5 Million
>Amigas shipped, worldwide.  They claim, by the end of 1991, there will
>be roughly 5 Million Amigas (at the current rate of sales), and about 10
>Million at the end of 1992.  5 Million Amigas sold in a year?!?  I would
>like to see Commodore do it, as their rep thought they could, but I
>can't forsee it.
>       Michael.
> ~ QNet 2.04: (UseNet) Amiga Blue (Toronto) (416)231-9944 Dual Standard 14400
>Canada Remote Systems.  Toronto, Ontario
>NorthAmeriNet Host

Have they really sold 3.5 million already, I thought that they had only just
made the 2 million mark a few months ago. 5 million by end 91 I find a little
hard to believe but I suppose it is possible. Commodore don't really seem
big on marketing, it has been quite a while since the last spurt of ads
has been seen here in Oz (the one's with John Laws on them - who's he you
may ask, don't worry, though he does the voice over for the Oral-B ads in 
America as well as Australia if that means anything to you). And 10
million by 1/1/93 ! not unless the CDTV is counted and it sells really big,
ie it blasts Sony,Phillips, et.al.s' CD-I machines when they arrive. I still
haven't seen the CDTV in real life yet so Commodore better hurry up, the
timetable for it here in Oz is release in July at the World of Commodore
at Darling Harbour (Sydney).
that all from me, Cya,

6600dmx@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (Richard A. Boyd) (05/24/91)

Even if Commodore has sold only 2 million Amigas, that is still
good.  The current number of Apple MacIntosh's is just under 4
million (according to MAC people).  This means tht Commodore is 
rapidly catching up to Apple-without much (or any) advertising!  Just
think if they advertised!

-- Richard Boyd