[comp.sys.amiga.misc] NEW Commodore Upgrade for A1000 Owners!

clark@ssc-vax (Roger Clark Swann) (05/04/91)

Regarding the A3000 upgrade plan from C=, I have called around to
the local C= dealers in the Seattle area and the three that I talked
to say, "We don't carry the A3000 in the 16 MHz flavor." Other
comments included, "The 16MHz version is dead."

Is this generally the way it is everywhere? Am I forced to go with a
25Mhz box?

One other question; Are the floppies in the A3000 the high density
variety? I haven't talked to or read anything that comfirms this one
way or the other. Somehow I was thinking that C= had gone to a 1.44 MB
format on the A3000... Was I just dreaming?

    Roger Swann               |    uucp:  uw-beaver!ssc-vax!clark
         @                    |
The Boeing Company            |

baxter_a@wehi.dn.mu.oz (05/04/91)

In article <1991May2.212838.1753@HQ.Ileaf.COM>, ltaylor@HQ.Ileaf.COM (Laura Taylor) writes:
> I haven't seen any mention of this in any of the Amiga newsgroups,
> so maybe you haven't heard the good news yet!  All you A1000 owners
> can stop yer moanin' and groanin'. Commodore just announced a new
> upgrade called the "Power Up Upgrade." What you do is take the
> _original_ cover of your A1000 manual to your nearest dealer,
> with the serial # handwritten on the back of the cover, and they
> will sell you an A3000 for $1849! For this price you get the
> A3000 (sans monitor) with a 16Mhz 68030 and a 50mb hard disk.
> If you want to pay $2249 instead of $1849, you can get a faster
> clock...but now I forgot how fast...25Mhz probably.  
> The funny thing is, you get to keep your A1000. They're not
> even asking for it back and the original A1000 monitor you can
> use on your A3000 so you don't need to buy another monitor.

Oh great. These guys buy a 1000 for $1500 5-6 years ago, and C= think they 
owe then something. 2 years ago, they all swapped their keyboards for a 2000
and then bought the worlds supply of replacement 2000 keyboards, and now the
get to have a 3000 as well for next to nothing. Can't wait for the great
market in replacement manual covers!

Regards Alan

(it's a joke)

dvljhg@cs.umu.se (J|rgen Holmberg) (05/05/91)

In article <1991May4.121030.7128@cs.umu.se> dvljrt@cs.umu.se (Joakim Rosqvist) writes:
>In article <1991May2.212838.1753@HQ.Ileaf.COM> ltaylor@HQ.Ileaf.COM (Laura Taylor) writes:
>>I haven't seen any mention of this in any of the Amiga newsgroups,
>>so maybe you haven't heard the good news yet!  All you A1000 owners
>>can stop yer moanin' and groanin'. Commodore just announced a new
>>upgrade called the "Power Up Upgrade." What you do is take the
>>_original_ cover of your A1000 manual to your nearest dealer,
>>with the serial # handwritten on the back of the cover, and they
>>will sell you an A3000 for $1849! For this price you get the
>>A3000 (sans monitor) with a 16Mhz 68030 and a 50mb hard disk.
>>If you want to pay $2249 instead of $1849, you can get a faster
>>clock...but now I forgot how fast...25Mhz probably.  
>Does this offer apply to European users too?

I doubt it, and even if it did it would not apply to swedish users. We still
have to go to germany to get support :-(

email dvljhg@cs.umu.se | DUMII: Sentinel of the scales
Everything I say is always true, just apply it to the right reality.
"Credo, quia absurdum est."    Credo (dei) in absurdum est?

jlille@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Jeff Lille) (05/06/91)

From article <1991May4.121030.7128@cs.umu.se>, by dvljrt@cs.umu.se (Joakim Rosqvist):

> Does this offer (Power UP Upgrade) apply to European users too?
> /$DR.HEX$

My guess is no.  European sales of amigas have been very good this year.  
Sales in the United States have not been good.  Seems to me that this is CBM's
way of saying give up your old machines and BUY! BUY! BUY! (ok, so we don't
have to give up our old machines even!)  They are in it for the money after

kholland@hydra.unm.edu (Kiernan Holland) (05/08/91)

Those darn a**holes, I hate commodore forever now. 
I saw the deal too, about the VIC 20, CBM 64, Amiga 1000/2000/3000
upgrade deal. Shoot, I bought my Amiga 3000 (16/50) after selling 
my amiga 2000 off to some blood sucker. On student deal I got 
the piece of sh*t. And that is exactly what it is, 2.0 is a gas, 
only 10% of the software I have works with it. The acceleration 
isn't all that noticeable (unless you use 2.0). The hard drive is alright,
and pretty fast but where the f*ck is that 68040 upgrade. 
Fellow student deal buyers, Commodore is screwing us.
Screwing the general public too. The worse part about the deal (from 
a once optimistic view-point now turned evil) is that you get to keep 
your old computer. This is one outrageously funny deal, they are even 
offering this crap to VIC 20 users. I wonder if the deal includes 
the multi-scan (cost me 600 dollars). I'm buying a NeXT or IBM 486. 
To hell with you Commodore. And I know your employees and lines are on these 
networks. If I could sue you I would. 

rkushner@sycom.UUCP (Ronald Kushner) (05/08/91)

[NASTYNESS about C= and screwing people deleted]

Do you bitch about Honda yelling left and right last year "we will never get
into the rebate game" and then first quarter '91 they started rebates?

It was purely a business decision on Commodore's part. Do you expect Chrysler
to give you the $1,500 year end rebate on a car you purchased in January?

It's a two way street with any product..You have to decide when its best to
buy, and when and if the deals are good enough for you...

You just can't expect someone to go and give you the same deal they are giving
someone else because you purchased it a month or two earlier. It's an evil
socilist though to think otherwise...If you can't make decisions and live
with them, them move to the Soviet Union where you can be next to brain dead
and make it through life, and never make a decision.

 Ronald Kushner                          Life in Hell BBS  +1 (313) 939-6666
 P.O. Box 353                               14400 USR HST V.42 & V.42bis
 Sterling Heights, MI  48311-0353              Complete Amiga Support
 UUCP: uunet!umich!vela!sycom!rkushner     (We are not satanic, just NUTS!)

tbissett@nstar.rn.com (Travis Bissett) (05/08/91)

kholland@hydra.unm.edu (Kiernan Holland) writes:

[ much cussin' and swearin' about the latest power upgrade offer]

[ sheesh! This poor sap is Real Unhappy! He keeps goin' on . . .]

[ more drivel and mental bilgewater about how the new deal screws students 
and the general public.]

> the multi-scan (cost me 600 dollars). I'm buying a NeXT or IBM 486. 
> To hell with you Commodore. And I know your employees and lines are on these 
> networks. If I could sue you I would. 

You lost all credibility with that last comment, Dude. Apparently you have 
far more dollars than you have sense -- from the evidence in your posting 
about your A2000 bad deal to get an A3000 at student discount. I almost had 
some sympathy for you. Almost . . . afterall it may be annoying to find you 
could have saved 50% instead of 30% by waiting a few more months. When did 
oyu buy yours, last year? Never mind. Please don't waste the bandwidth to 
reply. I don't really care.  But when you announced that you were going to 
go buy a NeXT or an IBM 486 . . . well, you clearly have far too much cash 
than is good for one fo your judgement. You deserve an IBM 486 AND a NeXT -- 
go get 'em both! I hope they make you very happy so that you can leave us 
alone. And I hope that Jobs and Aikens never have the dirty low down no good 
onery cussedness to dare offer any one else a better price than they offered 
you :-) Life is fair right? Let everybody pay full price and be happy, 

Wake up and smell the decaf, Dude! 

Travis Bissett       NSTAR conferencing site       219-289-0287/317-251-7391
internet: tbissett@nstar.rn.com              1300 newsgroups - 8 inbound lines
uucp: ..!uunet!nstar.rn.com!tbissett            99 file areas - 4300 megabytes
---  backbone news & mail feeds available - contact larry@nstar.rn.com  ---

sck@watson.ibm.com (Scott C. Kennedy) (05/08/91)

In article <D4RL21w161w@nstar.rn.com>, tbissett@nstar.rn.com (Travis Bissett) writes:
|> kholland@hydra.unm.edu (Kiernan Holland) writes:
|> [ much cussin' and swearin' about the latest power upgrade offer]
|> [ sheesh! This poor sap is Real Unhappy! He keeps goin' on . . .]
|> [ more drivel and mental bilgewater about how the new deal screws students 
|> and the general public.]
|> > the multi-scan (cost me 600 dollars). I'm buying a NeXT or IBM 486. 
|> > To hell with you Commodore. And I know your employees and lines are on these 
|> > networks. If I could sue you I would. 
|> You lost all credibility with that last comment, Dude. Apparently you have 
|> far more dollars than you have sense -- from the evidence in your posting 
|> about your A2000 bad deal to get an A3000 at student discount. I almost had 
|> some sympathy for you. Almost . . . afterall it may be annoying to find you 
|> could have saved 50% instead of 30% by waiting a few more months. When did 
|> oyu buy yours, last year? 
|> go buy a NeXT or an IBM 486 . . . well, you clearly have far too much cash 

   He won't be happy with IBM either, we just lowered prices on our Risc SYstem
6000 by 60% and we are reducing prices on our PS/2s. Maybe if Commodore raised 
their prices, he would be happier. :)

Scott C. Kennedy (sck@watson.ibm.com)     | "All we are saying ...
Distributed High Performance Computing    |  is give peace a chance..." 
I.B.M. Thomas J. Watson Research Facility | John Lennon - Dec. 8, 1980

dtiberio@eeserv1.ic.sunysb.edu (David Tiberio) (05/08/91)

In article <1991May7.170158.10700@jato.jpl.nasa.gov> jdickson@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Jeff Dickson) writes:
>In article <1991May2.212838.1753@HQ.Ileaf.COM> ltaylor@HQ.Ileaf.COM (Laura Taylor) writes:
>>I haven't seen any mention of this in any of the Amiga newsgroups,
>>so maybe you haven't heard the good news yet!  All you A1000 owners
>>can stop yer moanin' and groanin'. Commodore just announced a new
>>upgrade called the "Power Up Upgrade." What you do is take the
>>_original_ cover of your A1000 manual to your nearest dealer,
>>with the serial # handwritten on the back of the cover, and they
>>will sell you an A3000 for $1849! For this price you get the
>>A3000 (sans monitor) with a 16Mhz 68030 and a 50mb hard disk.
>>If you want to pay $2249 instead of $1849, you can get a faster
>>clock...but now I forgot how fast...25Mhz probably.  
>	I've had my Amiga 1000 since 1985. I doubt that I still have the
>manual cover. Is there an alternative? Howbout if I take the entire Amiga

  I know of Amiga 1000 owners who lost their computers in the first trade up
offer. Apparantly some dealers were taking the entire a1000, or just the
motherboards, or just the keyboards. Maybe now Commodore should have an
a1000 BuyBackYourMotherboard offer. :)

           David Tiberio  SUNY Stony Brook 2-3481  AMIGA  DDD-MEN   
   "If you think that we're here for the money, we could live without it.
     But the world isn't too good here, and it wasn't always like that."
                   Un ragazzo di Casalbordino, Italia.

rehrauer@apollo.HP.COM (Steve Rehrauer) (05/09/91)

In article <1991May8.144221.4255@watson.ibm.com> sck@biko.watson.ibm.com (Scott C. Kennedy) writes:
>   He won't be happy with IBM either, we just lowered prices on our Risc SYstem
>6000 by 60% and we are reducing prices on our PS/2s.  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Hmmm, I wonder what on earth prompted you to do that? :-) :-)

"The goons are riding motorcycles, but WE'VE  | (Steve) rehrauer@apollo.hp.com
 got a whole big metal car! This will be like |       Hewlett-Packard
 stepping on ants..." -- Freelance Police     | Massachusetts Languages Lab

kent@vf.jsc.nasa.gov (05/09/91)

In article <1991May07.224440.2764@ariel.unm.edu>, kholland@hydra.unm.edu (Kiernan Holland) writes:
> Those darn a**holes, I hate commodore forever now. 

[delete several lines of heck darn shucks stuff.]

> To hell with you Commodore. And I know your employees and lines are on these 
> networks. If I could sue you I would

All because you didn't get to get the power up deal?   Actuall the educational
deal is about 200 dollars more than the power up.  this angry over 200 bucks?


Mike Kent -  	Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Company at NASA JSC
		2400 NASA Rd One, Houston, TX 77058 (713) 483-3791

mjw@sequent.com (05/09/91)

I bought a A1000 used from a dealer from the first time Amiga owners
traded up there machines.  My machine has been used to trade up before
but I was not the one getting the trade in deal, can I make the trade
with this machine?

allbery@NCoast.ORG (Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR/AA) (05/09/91)

As quoted from <1991May07.224440.2764@ariel.unm.edu> by kholland@hydra.unm.edu (Kiernan Holland):
| the multi-scan (cost me 600 dollars). I'm buying a NeXT or IBM 486. 
| To hell with you Commodore. And I know your employees and lines are on these 
| networks. If I could sue you I would. 

If you think C= screwed you, wait until you see what IBM will do to you.  Or
Apple.  Or, most likely, NeXT (how expandable is the "slab"?).

Me: Brandon S. Allbery			  Ham: KB8JRR/AA  10m,6m,2m,220,440,1.2
Internet: allbery@NCoast.ORG		       (restricted HF at present)
Delphi: ALLBERY				 AMPR: kb8jrr.AmPR.ORG []
uunet!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!ncoast!allbery       KB8JRR @ WA8BXN.OH

lou@vaxsc (05/10/91)

In article <D4RL21w161w@nstar.rn.com>, tbissett@nstar.rn.com (Travis
Bissett) writes:

> kholland@hydra.unm.edu (Kiernan Holland) writes:
> [ much cussin' and swearin' about the latest power upgrade offer]
> [ sheesh! This poor sap is Real Unhappy! He keeps goin' on . . .]
> [ more drivel and mental bilgewater about how the new deal screws students 
> and the general public.]
> > the multi-scan (cost me 600 dollars). I'm buying a NeXT or IBM 486. 
> > To hell with you Commodore. And I know your employees and lines are on these 
> > networks. If I could sue you I would. 

Two things come to mind here.

1.  I believe U.S. law is constructed such that you can sue anybody, for anything,
    except the U.S. Government.  For that you need permission.  Winning, however,
    is another topic altogether.

2.  Do the words Caveat Emptor mean anything to you.  It's also the basis for most
    of U.S. Tort law.

Most American businesses are in business to make a profit.  Sometimes, businesses
get a little overzealous in this goal and lose sight of ethics.  However, putting on
a sale, after you've bought something is not unethical by most standards.  
Disheartening, maybe, but not unethical.  I would likely be upset too, but I would
be more upset if I found out that the dealer knew, and didn't tell me.  That would 
be unethical, in my opinion.  And, unfortunately, I have known of Amiga dealers in 
the past who would do this.  Much has changed lately, though.

As the old saying goes, Patience will out.   

mwm@pa.dec.com (Mike (My Watch Has Windows) Meyer) (05/10/91)

In article <53146@nigel.ee.udel.edu> lou@vaxsc writes:

   Disheartening, maybe, but not unethical.  I would likely be upset too, but
   I would be more upset if I found out that the dealer knew, and didn't tell
   me.  That would be unethical, in my opinion.

I think your opinion is wrong. In fact, if you play that game on the
stock market, it's called insider trading, and you can go to jail for
it. It's not illegal in this case, though. I'd expect that advance
notice of sales would be one of the benefits of being a regular
customer of the store.

Fact of Life #1)
	Prices on computers go down.

Fact of Life #2)
	Sometimes, that takes the form of a massive price drop.

Fact of Life #3)
	Sometimes, you buy just before #2 happens.

Lather was thirty years old today,			Mike Meyer
They took away all of his toys.				mwm@pa.dec.com
His mother sent newspaper clippings to him,		decwrl!mwm
About his old friends who'd stopped being boys.

moonhawk@bluemoon.uucp (David Culberson) (05/10/91)

clark@ssc-vax (Roger Clark Swann) writes:

> One other question; Are the floppies in the A3000 the high density
> variety? I haven't talked to or read anything that comfirms this one
> way or the other. Somehow I was thinking that C= had gone to a 1.44 MB
> format on the A3000... Was I just dreaming?

        No, they haven't YET, but they will be in the near future! We 
hope! They're NECESARRY for unix, and, besides, they let you read MAC and 
IBM 1.44 meg disks, unlike the AE HD drive.

P.s. I do reccomend you get the 25Mhz, if just to keep your dealers happy!

 This is from
who doesn't have their own obnoxious signature yet

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (05/10/91)

In article <53146@nigel.ee.udel.edu> lou@vaxsc writes:
>Most American businesses are in business to make a profit.  Sometimes, businesses
>get a little overzealous in this goal and lose sight of ethics.  However, putting on
>a sale, after you've bought something is not unethical by most standards.  
>Disheartening, maybe, but not unethical.  I would likely be upset too, but I would
>be more upset if I found out that the dealer knew, and didn't tell me.  That would 
>be unethical, in my opinion.  And, unfortunately, I have known of Amiga dealers in 
>the past who would do this.  Much has changed lately, though.
>As the old saying goes, Patience will out.   

	I have had the worst luck with timing. I bought the
A2500/20. Two months later they lowered the price by $700 and
released the A2500/30 at the old /20 price. Three months after
that, the educational pricing began. Was I pissed! Sure I was.
But it's hardly Commodore's fault. Kiernan's got NOTHING on me. 8-)
	-- Ethan

"Brain! Brain! What is Brain?"

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (05/10/91)

In article <MWM.91May9161936@raven.pa.dec.com> mwm@pa.dec.com (Mike (My Watch Has Windows) Meyer) writes:
>In article <53146@nigel.ee.udel.edu> lou@vaxsc writes:
>   Disheartening, maybe, but not unethical.  I would likely be upset too, but
>   I would be more upset if I found out that the dealer knew, and didn't tell
>   me.  That would be unethical, in my opinion.
>I think your opinion is wrong. In fact, if you play that game on the
>stock market, it's called insider trading, and you can go to jail for
>it. It's not illegal in this case, though. I'd expect that advance
>notice of sales would be one of the benefits of being a regular
>customer of the store.
	I agree. The company (CBM in this case) probably new
about the Power Up program a month in advance, or at least had a
strong idea about it. Why would it be unethical for a dealer in a
similar situation to not mention it.

	-- Ethan

"Brain! Brain! What is Brain?"

c8927218@wombat.newcastle.edu.au (05/13/91)

In article <1991May8.012740.26800@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>, sss10@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Homicidal Lunatic) writes:
> 10% of his software works with 2.0? he must have only Psygnosis games and some
> really old ones at that. <or perhaps just games in general but SOTB doesnt work
> on a 3000>

Who buys a 3000 for games ???

I haven't found a utility that won't run on the 3000 yet (SA4D requires 1.3)
, although heaps of games don't work...but who cares ?


peck@ral.rpi.edu (Joseph Peck) (05/13/91)

In article <1991May13.172116.1@wombat.newcastle.edu.au> c8927218@wombat.newcastle.edu.au writes:
>In article <1991May8.012740.26800@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>, sss10@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Homicidal Lunatic) writes:
>> 10% of his software works with 2.0? he must have only Psygnosis games and some
>> really old ones at that. <or perhaps just games in general but SOTB doesnt work
>> on a 3000>
>Who buys a 3000 for games ???

Well, how about to develop games.... :)


Joe Peck

rivero@dev8g.mdcbbs.com (05/13/91)

In article <1991May10.012752.23987@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>, es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) writes:
> In article <MWM.91May9161936@raven.pa.dec.com> mwm@pa.dec.com (Mike (My Watch Has Windows) Meyer) writes:
>>In article <53146@nigel.ee.udel.edu> lou@vaxsc writes:
>>   Disheartening, maybe, but not unethical.  I would likely be upset too, but
>>   I would be more upset if I found out that the dealer knew, and didn't tell
>>   me.  That would be unethical, in my opinion.
>>I think your opinion is wrong. In fact, if you play that game on the
>>stock market, it's called insider trading, and you can go to jail for
>>it. It's not illegal in this case, though. I'd expect that advance
>>notice of sales would be one of the benefits of being a regular
>>customer of the store.
> 	I agree. The company (CBM in this case) probably new
> about the Power Up program a month in advance, or at least had a
> strong idea about it. Why would it be unethical for a dealer in a
> similar situation to not mention it.

Ethics aside, advance notice of a sale does not mean a change of price for
the systems currently in the stores inventory. The dealer had to pay full
price for them, and it is the nature of retail to sell your current inventory
at a FAIR markup prior to taking delivery of discounted systems. If you wanted
to carry the situation up a level, imagine how your store owners would feel
if they had bought 100 A3000 systems at normal price, then Commodore starts
announcing an upcoming sale on TV. The dealers would be stuck with the
current inventory, or take zero profit (or even a loss) to sell them before
they could get new stock at the discounted price.

\\\\    Michael Rivero      | "I drank WHAT!" |  "THIS PORTION OF SIG    | 
\ (.    rivero@dev8a.mdcbbs | Socrates  -------------------  UNDER       |
   )>   DISCLAIMER:::       |-----------|                 | CONSTRUCTION |
  ==    "Hey man, I wasn't  |           |                 | (pardon our  |
---/    even here then!"    |           |                 | white-out)   |

daveh@cbmvax.commodore.com (Dave Haynie) (05/14/91)

In article <a-.h94k@rpi.edu> peck@ral.rpi.edu (Joseph Peck) writes:
>In article <1991May13.172116.1@wombat.newcastle.edu.au> c8927218@wombat.newcastle.edu.au writes:
>>In article <1991May8.012740.26800@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>, sss10@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Homicidal Lunatic) writes:

>>> 10% of his software works with 2.0? he must have only Psygnosis games and some
>>> really old ones at that. <or perhaps just games in general but SOTB doesnt work
>>> on a 3000>

>>Who buys a 3000 for games ???

>Well, how about to develop games.... :)

No problem there, since you won't be doing the evil things that break these
old games, out of necessity.  There's no reason any properly written Amiga
program should have trouble on the A3000.  Imagine if every game were developed 
on an A3000 and play tested (for compatibility and speed reasons) on a plain, 
512K A500.

As for compatibility in general, the software people seem to be proving that
compatibility under 2.0N increases dramatically as "N" increases.  Software
bugs, rather than compatibility issues, that cause things to break on the 3000
need to be fixed -- no amount of heavy magic can repair a program that's 
just plain buggy.

>Joe Peck

Dave Haynie Commodore-Amiga (Amiga 3000) "The Crew That Never Rests"
   {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh      PLINK: hazy     BIX: hazy
      "That's me in the corner, that's me in the spotlight" -R.E.M.

peck@ral.rpi.edu (Joseph Peck) (05/14/91)

In article <21521@cbmvax.commodore.com> daveh@cbmvax.commodore.com (Dave Haynie) writes:
>In article <a-.h94k@rpi.edu> peck@ral.rpi.edu (Joseph Peck) writes:
>>In article <1991May13.172116.1@wombat.newcastle.edu.au> c8927218@wombat.newcastle.edu.au writes:
>>>In article <1991May8.012740.26800@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>, sss10@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Homicidal Lunatic) writes:
>>>> 10% of his software works with 2.0? he must have only Psygnosis games and some
>>>> really old ones at that. <or perhaps just games in general but SOTB doesnt work
>>>> on a 3000>
>>>Who buys a 3000 for games ???
>>Well, how about to develop games.... :)
>No problem there, since you won't be doing the evil things that break these
>old games, out of necessity.  There's no reason any properly written Amiga
>program should have trouble on the A3000.  Imagine if every game were developed 
>on an A3000 and play tested (for compatibility and speed reasons) on a plain, 
>512K A500.

Close, but I can go one further.  The testing is being done on an A1000. :)
(Actually, I don't have the A3000 yet, that is what I hope to buy with
royalty money from a game that I just finished.  Now all I need is a 
willing publisher.... time to cross my fingers! :)

Oh yeah, I did test it on two A3000's, and everything worked A-OK the
first try..... (Well, except for some sprites dying from overscan....:)

>>Joe Peck
>Dave Haynie Commodore-Amiga (Amiga 3000) "The Crew That Never Rests"

Joe again....

dave@unislc.uucp (Dave Martin) (05/15/91)

From article <1991May07.224440.2764@ariel.unm.edu>, by kholland@hydra.unm.edu (Kiernan Holland):
> upgrade deal. Shoot, I bought my Amiga 3000 (16/50) after selling 
> my amiga 2000 off to some blood sucker. On student deal I got 

  Well, I bought mine on the student deal, and when the power-up deal came
  along, I compared prices.  I payed less on the student deal for my setup
  than I would have on the power-up deal.  (A3000/25/50 1950 monitor)

> the piece of sh*t. And that is exactly what it is, 2.0 is a gas, 
> only 10% of the software I have works with it. 

  Only 10% of the software I have won't work with it.  Of course I don't
  use my 3000 as a game machine, and most non-game software seems to work
  just fine on it (and the little I have that doesn't has upgrades on
  the way).  Now, of course I play games too, but if I only wanted to play
  games I probably would have went A500.  What software of yours doesn't

> The acceleration 
> isn't all that noticeable (unless you use 2.0). The hard drive is alright,
> and pretty fast but where the f*ck is that 68040 upgrade. 

  Sounds like you want a Cray for five bucks.
  The acceleration will be very noticable (in productivity (read non-games)
  software) if you have more than two megs, so that the code will be
  executing from FAST memory instead of CHIP memory (fast mem on the 3000
  can result in a 6 times speed improvement over chip mem).

> Fellow student deal buyers, Commodore is screwing us.
> Screwing the general public too. The worse part about the deal (from 
> a once optimistic view-point now turned evil) is that you get to keep 
> your old computer. This is one outrageously funny deal, they are even 
> offering this crap to VIC 20 users. I wonder if the deal includes 
> the multi-scan (cost me 600 dollars). 

  As I said above, when I bought mine, the student deal was (and maybe
  still is) a better deal than power-up.  I don't think power-up includes
  the monitor.  The student deal did for me.

> I'm buying a NeXT or IBM 486. 
> To hell with you Commodore. And I know your employees and lines are on these 
> networks. If I could sue you I would. 

  I have a friend that payed $6000 dollars for an 8mhz IBM AT when it came
  out.  I guess he should sue IBM now.

  NeXT has a 68040 machine out now because they were willing to sell
  machines with a beta version of the 68040 to customers, and make all
  kinds of interesting workarounds in the O.S. to get around bugs in the

  What application do you have that requires so much acceleration and yet
  won't work with 2.0?  Most applications that are this intensive were
  written with accelerated amigas in mind, and will generally also work
  fine under 2.0  (You can always boot under 1.3 if it doesn't).

  Go ahead get a NeXT cube, add a next dimension board and enough hard disk
  to hold it all.  This is not an inexpensive system at this point, even at
  student prices.  I do hope you don't start whining when the software
  prices are a minimum of 50 dollars higher just for the distribution
  media.  I'd like to know what the equivalent to Imagine costs on the next,
  even if it exists.  I know that the LOW COST ray tracers for the IBM and
  clones start at $3000!  Take a look at the latest byte (or maybe last
  months) low cost 3-D comes to the PC article.

Sorry to ramble on and take up bandwidth, but sometimes I just can't keep my
hands off of a posting like this.
VAX Headroom	Speaking for myself only... blah blah blahblah blah...
Internet: DMARTIN@CC.WEBER.EDU                 dave@saltlcy-unisys.army.mil
uucp:     dave@unislc.uucp or use the Path: line.
Now was that civilized?  No, clearly not.  Fun, but in no sense civilized.

judd@wilkinson.Colorado.EDU (Mr. Integral) (05/20/91)

In article <1991May7.232954.3789@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu> es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) writes:
>In article <1991May07.224440.2764@ariel.unm.edu> kholland@hydra.unm.edu (Kiernan Holland) writes:
>>Those darn a**holes, I hate commodore forever now. 
>>I saw the deal too, about the VIC 20, CBM 64, Amiga 1000/2000/3000
>>upgrade deal. Shoot, I bought my Amiga 3000 (16/50) after selling 
>>my amiga 2000 off to some blood sucker. On student deal I got 
>>the piece of sh*t. And that is exactly what it is, 2.0 is a gas, 
>>only 10% of the software I have works with it. The acceleration 
>>isn't all that noticeable (unless you use 2.0). The hard drive is alright,
>>and pretty fast but where the f*ck is that 68040 upgrade. 
>>Fellow student deal buyers, Commodore is screwing us.
>>Screwing the general public too. The worse part about the deal (from 
>>a once optimistic view-point now turned evil) is that you get to keep 
>>your old computer. This is one outrageously funny deal, they are even 
>>offering this crap to VIC 20 users. I wonder if the deal includes 
>>the multi-scan (cost me 600 dollars). I'm buying a NeXT or IBM 486. 
>>To hell with you Commodore. And I know your employees and lines are on these 
>>networks. If I could sue you I would. 
>	Thanks for the insightful, vague commentary. Now,
>everyone who agrees with Kiernan please follow up and let us
>know? <I love the deafening silence 8>
>	-- Ethan
>"Brain! Brain! What is Brain?"
	Ladies, Gentlemen, meet the next Marc Barret for the csa heirarchy.
I have had dealings with Kiernan through various local bulletin boards.
Didn't you even get most of your posting privileged revoked, Kiernan?
Anyways, Kiernan, I suggest VERY strongly that you find, read, and memorize
the Netiquette  document.  Repeat some of your past performances around here
and you will most likely find yourself losing many priveleges, if not your
	I take back my first statement.  Marc was only inquisitively naive,
not violently rude.
judd@sgt-york.lanl.gov   //

mykes@amiga0.SF-Bay.ORG (Mike Schwartz) (05/22/91)

In article <1991May13.172116.1@wombat.newcastle.edu.au> c8927218@wombat.newcastle.edu.au writes:
>In article <1991May8.012740.26800@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>, sss10@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Homicidal Lunatic) writes:
>> 10% of his software works with 2.0? he must have only Psygnosis games and some
>> really old ones at that. <or perhaps just games in general but SOTB doesnt work
>> on a 3000>
>Who buys a 3000 for games ???
>I haven't found a utility that won't run on the 3000 yet (SA4D requires 1.3)
>, although heaps of games don't work...but who cares ?

Try DiskMaster.

* I want games that look like Shadow of the Beast  *
* but play like Leisure Suit Larry.                *

ronald@ecl014.UUCP (Ronald van Eijck) (05/24/91)

In article <mykes.2766@amiga0.SF-Bay.ORG> mykes@amiga0.SF-Bay.ORG (Mike Schwartz) writes:

>>I haven't found a utility that won't run on the 3000 yet (SA4D requires 1.3)
>>, although heaps of games don't work...but who cares ?
>Try DiskMaster.

Diskmaster 1.4 runs fine, no problems under 2.03 (as far as I know it was
ok under 2.02 to)

  |  Ronald van Eijck                  {eunet!}hp4nl!cbmnlux!ecl014!ronald  |
  |                                                                         |
  |  We do the impossible at once for a miracle we need a little more time  |

jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com (Randell Jesup) (05/24/91)

In article <1991May8.163106.25609@sbcs.sunysb.edu> dtiberio@eeserv1.ic.sunysb.edu (David Tiberio) writes:
>  I know of Amiga 1000 owners who lost their computers in the first trade up
>offer. Apparantly some dealers were taking the entire a1000, or just the
>motherboards, or just the keyboards. Maybe now Commodore should have an
>a1000 BuyBackYourMotherboard offer. :)

	The original deal was that the dealer took the machine, though
many dealers would sell them back to you for a few hundred dollars.  A later
trade-in deal was for the keyboards.

Randell Jesup, Jack-of-quite-a-few-trades, Commodore Engineering.
{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!jesup, jesup@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com  BIX: rjesup  
Disclaimer: Nothing I say is anything other than my personal opinion.
"No matter where you go, there you are."  - Buckaroo Banzai

jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com (Randell Jesup) (05/24/91)

In article <1991May13.172116.1@wombat.newcastle.edu.au> c8927218@wombat.newcastle.edu.au writes:
>Who buys a 3000 for games ???

	I do (well, use it).  Indy 500 on a 3000 is _great_ (IMHO).

>I haven't found a utility that won't run on the 3000 yet (SA4D requires 1.3)
>, although heaps of games don't work...but who cares ?

	SA4d and SA4djr both will be functional in the next 2.0 release
(their bug was kludged around as of beta 37.86 or so).

	In earlier 2.0 releases (2.00-2.03), a fair percentage of games didn't
run.  A few careful kludges and a LARGE percentage run under 2.0.  Those
that don't work with '030's are no better than before, of course.

Randell Jesup, Jack-of-quite-a-few-trades, Commodore Engineering.
{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!jesup, jesup@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com  BIX: rjesup  
Disclaimer: Nothing I say is anything other than my personal opinion.
"No matter where you go, there you are."  - Buckaroo Banzai