[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Tandy and 68K

kdarling@hobbes.catt.ncsu.edu (Kevin Darling) (05/25/91)

drysdale@cbmvax.commodore.com (Scott Drysdale) writes:
>kdarling@hobbes.catt.ncsu.edu (Kevin Darling) writes:
>> The Amiga slant to this message is:  too bad CBM doesn't have the "store
>> next to each MacDonald's" sales outlets that Tandy does.  And conversely,
>> it's too bad Tandy never brought out a home 68K machine.
> but tandy *did* have a home 68K machine.  ever heard of the model 16?
> basically a model II (big TRS-80 with 8" disks built in) with a 68000
> board running xenix.  this was back in 80-81 or so.  she was not cheap.

Sure, so that's why I specified "home 68K machine" :-).  By that I meant
something more along the lines of the first Amigas or STs.

Back when those two showed up, Tandy began looking into building a <$1K
dual processor 68000/6809 hobby computer... but the concept was shot down,
partly by the more powerful internal MSDOS faction.

Hmm.  Tho Motorola is mostly to blame.  If they'd shipped the 68486/487
video chip set, I firmly believe there would've been an inexpensive Tandy
68K color system for sale years ago.   - kevin <kdarling@catt.ncsu.edu>