[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Dmouse- cursor blanks as well- any solutions?

technews@iitmax.iit.edu (Kevin Kadow) (05/22/91)

In JR-Comm, Dmouse not only blanks the pointer, it also blanks the cursor,
which can be a major pain.

Are there any mouse blankers which don't do this?

technews@iitmax.iit.edu                           kadokev@iitvax (bitnet)
                         My Employer Disagrees.

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) (05/23/91)

In article <1991May21.222938.27050@iitmax.iit.edu> technews@iitmax.iit.edu (Kevin Kadow) writes:
>In JR-Comm, Dmouse not only blanks the pointer, it also blanks the cursor,
>which can be a major pain.
>Are there any mouse blankers which don't do this?

Yes: DMouse.  Except, you have to have the proper version.  Get DMouse V1.20
(the one on Fish Disk #258).  This is the one that I use, and it works fine.
Note that it's important to get the one from FF #258, since there are two
versions of DMouse in the Fred Fish collection labeled V1.20.  I've never
tried the other one, and I can't say anything about it.

I'm not sure what enhancements further versions offer, but I think you'll
find that this one suits your needs.  I've also never had a guru I would
attribute to it.

Dave Schaumann      | There is no cause so right that one cannot find a fool
dave@cs.arizona.edu | following it.	- Niven's Law # 16

jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) (05/26/91)

I use Qmouse.

*  From the disk of:  | jms@vanth.uucp		     | "You know I never knew
Jim Shaffer, Jr.      | amix.commodore.com!vanth!jms | that it could be so
37 Brook Street       | uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms  | strange..."
Montgomery, PA 17752  | 72750.2335@compuserve.com    |		     (R.E.M.)