[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Screen dump s/w wanted

holgerl@amiux.agsc.sub.org (Holger Lubitz) (05/26/91)

In article <193008fd.ARN0128@nesbbx.UUCP> nesbbx!billsey@agora.UUCP (Bill Seymour) writes:
>       Ahem... That's Steve Tibbett, author of VirusX, DiskX, TaskX, PointerX
>and ScreenX, to name a few... :-)

As you mention Steve Tibbett... Does anybody know what happened to VirusX ?
I liked this one best of all virus killers, but haven't seen any updates
since 4.01.

Sorry for asking in public, I don't have an Email adress of him.
(So if anybody could tell me that one... ?)

Best regards,

Holger Lubitz, Kl. Drakenburger Str. 24, D-W-3070 Nienburg/Weser