[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Minix driver for GVP SCSI II

redi@ALESSIA.DEI.UNIPD.IT (Jacopo Farinato) (05/24/91)

I should like to know if there is a driver for the Minix 1.5 to
be used with the GVP II controller and harddisk.
I have found in ab20 the driver for the Commodore controller
(A590-A2091), but not the source code.

I should very much appreciate your cooperation in this matter.


PS: sorry for my bad english.

kaba@wintermute.uucp (Kai Bartels) (05/27/91)

redi@ALESSIA.DEI.UNIPD.IT (Jacopo Farinato) writes:
>I have found in ab20 the driver for the Commodore controller
>(A590-A2091), but not the source code.
Hmmm, come to think of it, I've never seen the source for this drivers
myself. Is there any reason for not distributing the sources?
I would be very glad to have them, since I/m using a somewhat weird
hd-hardware (at least for Amiga's normal ways!): an OMTI w/o auto-
I dont think this solution is used very often out there (it's old
after all), so I won't like to rely on someone writing a driver some
day but do it myself. But since I never tried a unix(-like) device
driver I'd like to have kind of a guideline.
>                                               Redi@alessia.dei.unipd.it
hoping for an answer (or the sources :-) ), Kai

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