[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Matt Dillon UUCP

Mario_Capellari@turtle.stgt.sub.org (Mario Capellari) (05/25/91)

               Hello, did anyone know on which Fish Disk
               I can find Matt Dillons UUCP V1.13D ???

               Or where I can request it???


-- Via DLG Pro v0.97b

mario capellari                            | BBS`s for Amiga    greetings....
7000 Stuttgart 1                           | ++49 711 6407689      the
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UseNet:mario_capellari@turtle.stgt.sub.org |

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) (05/27/91)

In article <Mario_Capellari.3642@turtle.stgt.sub.org> Mario_Capellari@turtle.stgt.sub.org (Mario Capellari) writes:
>               Hello, did anyone know on which Fish Disk
>               I can find Matt Dillons UUCP V1.13D ???
>               Or where I can request it???

If you can ftp, check out ftp.uu.net, in directory /pub/amiga-sources/dillon.
YOu should find the latest releases for most of Matt's stuff.  Also, if you
can read the alt newsgroups, check out alt.sys.amiga.uucp and
alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patch for up-to-the-date discussion and bug-fixes.

Dave Schaumann      | There is no cause so right that one cannot find a fool
dave@cs.arizona.edu | following it.	- Niven's Law # 16