[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Ab20 and FTPMail help needed

mlaidlaw@Daisy.EE.UND.AC.ZA (Mike Laidlaw) (05/27/91)

I am an amiga user who would like to download stuff off ab20.I do not have
any experience in downloading from an ftp site nor do I have the facility to
do so.I have heard that there are e-mail sites which accept script commands
that allow you to indirectly ftp a site to download stuff.The e-mail ftp
service I know of is FTPMAIL@decwrl.dec.com.

My questions are (using FTPMAIL):

       (1) How do I get a listing of all the files in ab20 ?
       (2) How do I download file(s) ?
       (3) How do I upload file(s) ?
       (4) Does ab20 have specific commands for other uses ?

Any other information on ab20 and the use of e-mail ftp services would be
greatly appreciated.Also,does anyone have a list of other e-mail ftp services
that I could use instead of FTPMAIL ?

Thanks in advance

Myron :-)

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) (05/28/91)

First of all, here's the original post detailing the use of ftpmail:

----- begin included article -----
From: ksk@sactoh0.sac.ca.us (Ken S. Krebs)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.misc
Subject: FTPMail
Message-ID: <1991May21.170130.22407@sactoh0.sac.ca.us>
Date: 21 May 91 17:01:30 GMT
Organization: Sacramento Public Access Unix
Lines: 41

Okay Folks, here's a replacement for BITFTP.  It's called FTPMail and the
mailing address is: ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com

If you send a letter with only the word "help" in it, the following letter
will be spit back at you.

>>> this help file was last edited on 15-February-1991
>>> commands are:
	reply <MAILADDR>	set reply addr, since headers are usually wrong
	connect [HOST [USER [PASS]]]  defaults to gatekeeper.dec.com, anonymous
	ascii			files grabbed are printable ascii
	binary			files grabbed are compressed or tar or both
	compress		compress binaries using Lempel-Ziv encoding
	compact			compress binaries using Huffman encoding
	uuencode		binary files will be mailed in uuencode format
	btoa			binary files will be mailed in btoa format
	ls (or dir) PLACE	short (long) directory listing
	get FILE		get a file and have it mailed to you
	quit			terminate script, ignore rest of mail message
					(use if you have a .signature or
					 are a VMSMAIL user)
>>> notes:
	-> you must give a "connect" command, default host is
	   gatekeeper.dec.com, default user is anonymous, default
	   password is your mail address.
	-> binary files will not be compressed unless 'compress' or 'compact'
	   command is given; use this if at all possible, it helps a lot.
	-> binary files will always be formatted into printable ASCII
	   with "btoa" or "uuencode" (default is "btoa").
	-> all retrieved files will be split into 60KB chunks and mailed.
	-> VMS/DOS/Mac versions of uudecode, atob, compress and compact
	   are available, ask your LOCAL wizard about them.

----- end of included article -----

In article <1991May27.114443.3485@Daisy.EE.UND.AC.ZA> mlaidlaw@Daisy.EE.UND.AC.ZA (Mike Laidlaw) writes:
>My questions are (using FTPMAIL):
>       (1) How do I get a listing of all the files in ab20 ?

Request the file FILES.Z in the root directory.  Note that this file
is compressed with the Unix "compress" utility, so make sure that
you have binary mode on when you request it.

>       (2) How do I download file(s) ?

See above included article.

>       (3) How do I upload file(s) ?

I don't see anything in the above to indicate that you could.  Contact
the poster if you're really interested.

>       (4) Does ab20 have specific commands for other uses ?

I don't understand what you're asking here...

Hope this helps.

Dave Schaumann      | There is no cause so right that one cannot find a fool
dave@cs.arizona.edu | following it.	- Niven's Law # 16