[comp.sys.amiga.misc] attaching digital RGB

styrrell@Daisy.EE.UND.AC.ZA (Simon Tyrrell) (05/28/91)

I am a neophyte Amiga user and would very much appreciate the help of any
Amiga gurus out there in net-land as I am rather short on dealer support in my
neck of the woods. (I hope I am posting to the appropriate newsgroup).

I have an A500 which I use with a TV and modulator.

I would like to use a Philips 9CM053 colour monitor screen (presently attached
to my IBM-AT clone) to give me better resolution than I now enjoy with the TV
system. (I also intend to build a Hi-Fi system for sound).

According to my A500 manual a digital RGB colour monitor can be used (with the
correct cable), although it is not ``recommended''.

Can someone tell me why this is not recommended? Is it because of possible
component damage, or because the resolution is not considered adequate?

Some technical information on the Philips 9CM053 colour monitor.

Line frequency     15,750 + 21,849 KHz
Raster frequency   60 Hz
Display capability 640 x 200 pixels (CGA mode)
                   640 x 350 pixels (EGA mode)
Picture tube pitch
Dotted (mm)        .39D
Resolution on RGB
application(lines) 720
Characters on RGB
application        2000

This monitor has a 9-pin D-shell connector with the following pin assignments:

Pin no.    16 colors         64 colors
           (NORMAL)          (SPECIAL)
1          ground            ground
2           -                2nd red
3          red               1st red
4          green             1st green
5          blue              1st blue
6          intensity         2nd green
7           -                2nd blue
8          horizontal sync.  horizontal sync.
9          vertical sync.    vertical sync.

I'd like to make up the cable myself. Any potential pitfalls? The Amiga monitor
connector has 23 pins so what gets connected to what? If I follow the Amiga
manual's technical reference (Appendix A) correctly, I presume I should connect
pins as below:

Amiga pin no:     Philips monitor pin no:

 6 <---(digital intensity)---> 6
 7 <-----(digital blue)------> 5
 8 <-----(digital green)-----> 4
 9 <------(digital red)------> 3
11 <----(horizontal sync)----> 8
12 <-----(vertical sync)-----> 9
16 <--------(ground)---------> 1    }
17 <--------(ground)---------> 1    }
18 <--------(ground)---------> 1    }   one of these to ground
19 <--------(ground)---------> 1    }
20 <--------(ground)---------> 1    }

Am I missing anything? What happens to the unassigned pins on the Amiga? Any
advice would be greatly appreciated (and please excuse the rather long post).

BTW, is this an FAQ?
