[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Whats the best printer for < $600?

billb@gdfwc3 (Bill Baumann) (05/20/91)

I'm looking for a good printer, and have somewhere less than $600 to spend.

Here's my minimal needs :

   - excellent black and white for desk top publishing
   - decent color for pictures in documents
   - speed, sometime today is fine
   - can feed envelopes
   - a decent Amiga printer driver

What technologies are the best?
   Laser   - $$$, and forget color.
   Jet     - black and white is a little smeary, lower res, and the jets get
   24 Pin  - the pins can be noticable, colors not sharp, or deep.

any suggestions/recommendations are much appreciated.

		billb (texsun!gdfwc3!teddy!billb)

jkummer@isis.cs.du.edu (James Kummer) (05/21/91)

In article <BILLB.91May19185643@kuwait.gdfwc3> billb@gdfwc3 (Bill Baumann
>I'm looking for a good printer, and have somewhere less than $600 to spe
>Here's my minimal needs :
------------- (portion deleted) ------------------

>   - decent color for pictures in documents

--------------- (portion deleted) -------------------------
>>What technologies are the best?
>   Laser   - $$$, and forget color.
>   Jet     - black and white is a little smeary, lower res, and the jets
>             clogged.
>any suggestions/recommendations are much appreciated.
I have an HP PaintJet - black and white is _never_ smeary, and I don't 
believe that the jets have _ever_ clogged before running dry.  The 
PaintJet II is available, so you may be able to get the original 
PaintJet for around $600 - I haven't checked recently.  One drawback for 
my PaintJet:  it is strongly recommended that you use the (more 
expensive) clay-coated paper.

--- Regards ----------- Jim Kummer ----
________________________________________- see disclaimer above -_______
(1st choice)   jkummer@nyx.cs.du.edu   \// insert favorite humorous
(in a pinch)   kummer@pogo.den.mmc.com //  quote here <--

vesty@inmet.inmet.com (05/28/91)

I use an HP deskjet and get great results (sans color of course).
With the new ink formulation, there is no problems with smearing (due
to the old ink being so water soluble).

-- Matt