[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Goofy problem...

phoenix@ms.uky.edu (R'ykandar Korra'ti) (05/29/91)


     I need systems diagnostics software. Is such available? I think I have
a weird hardware problem on my A500; it seems to manifest itself most
often by not properly launching command-line tasks launched from anything
but Workbench. For example, if I were to enter, from a CLI or Shell prompt:
     newcli from c:phoenix
     (phoenix being a small batch file)
     then the first time, it will work; the second time, it might work;
if I repeat it (ending the launched CLI each time) then eventually it will
fail, with a "Cannot open window" error. AmiDock also will go into "don't
launch task" mode (hm, just realized; some of those aren't CLI tasks...)
     Yes, I know, this sounds like It's All Software, but I really don't
think it is. Here's why:
     SysInfo reports that I have a PAL display (I don't) and gives NO
information about my Agnus chip. (It's a 512K Agnus.) The speed report
it returns keeps changing when I run it. Autobooting non-DOS (Read: Game,
usually) software fails to work a lot, including stuff that used to work
and _still_ works on other A500 machines.
     Stripping the system down to bare minimum doesn't fix the problem(s),
even kicking out the extra software and hardware.
     AdRam includes a memory checking programme: it reports no errors. I
let it run for three hours the other day and I usually have one of these
errors within half an hour (or dramatically less) of use.

     Configuration, hardware: A500, 3 meg RAM (via AdRAM board), KS1.2,
WB1.3 (had 1.3.2, but unupgraded temporarily to try to eliminate bug;
didn't work, will re-upgrade), Wedge and RTC-5160 (RLL) controller with
Seagate ST-225 hard drive.
     Configuration, software: Dock, AmigaUUCP V1.13 (which has also been
showing signs of flakiness when trying to launch tasks), Snap.

     Any clues or tips about finding system diagnostics software would
be strongly appreciated. Thanks.
                                                   - R'ykandar.

          R'ykandar Korra'ti | Editor, LOW ORBIT Science and Fiction
             "I hate you, you timepiece from Hades." - Plucky Duck
         phoenix@ms.uky.edu | editor@lorbit.UUCP | ukma!lorbit!editor