[comp.sys.amiga.misc] So, how close is WB2.0 to a burn-in date?

dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks) (05/21/91)

   Well, time for the most frequently asked question as of late.  Its
been over two months since I've seen this thread, so I though I
would ask.

   Does anyone at C= have *any* idea of how close Commodore is to reaching
a burn=in date to commit 2.0 to ROM?

  The last I heard, someone at CA decided to add a couple of new
features to WB.  I dont think features are what people want; what
people want is for software to actually *work* under 2.0.  Until
it hits ROM, major software vendors wont take 2.0 seriously enough
to actually start *programming* under 2.0.

  And just because a piece of software is listed in the "2.0 Complaint
Software List", it doesnt mean it actually works under 2.0.  Quite a
few pieces of software made to "work" under 2.0, simply doesn't.  Until
2.0 hits ROM, they simply wont take the time or effort.

dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks)
Copper Electronics, Inc.
Louisville, Kentucky

kenny@mazurka.UUCP (Kenneth Yarnall) (05/21/91)

>   Well, time for the most frequently asked question as of late.  Its
>been over two months since I've seen this thread, so I though I
>would ask.
>   Does anyone at C= have *any* idea of how close Commodore is to reaching
>a burn=in date to commit 2.0 to ROM?

Well, the letter that my dealer received with the 2.03 update said
(paraphrased) that 2.03 was the last revision that would be shipped before
the ROMS were burned and distributed, which would occur "3rd quarter 1991." 
The letter also stated clearly that support for structured fonts would be
added to the system for the ROM release.  

Is that explicit enough?  Hey, they mentioned the year, and everything. :-)

>  The last I heard, someone at CA decided to add a couple of new
>features to WB.  I dont think features are what people want; what
>people want is for software to actually *work* under 2.0.  Until
>it hits ROM, major software vendors wont take 2.0 seriously enough
>to actually start *programming* under 2.0.

What features?  THe only thing I have heard that they are doing aside from
structured font support (Which apparently is in the 2.04 release developers
have) is fixing bugs.  

People keep making vague statements about software not working under 2.0
(except for one guy, who just listed a bunch of software that works
fine), but never really backing these statements up.  What doesn't work?  To
me, 2.03 seems to be the most stable OS ever released on the Amiga.

>  And just because a piece of software is listed in the "2.0 Complaint
     Hee.  If a peice of software is labeled like this, ------^^^^^^^^^
     you're right, it probably won't work... :+)
>Software List", it doesnt mean it actually works under 2.0.  Quite a
>few pieces of software made to "work" under 2.0, simply doesn't.  Until
>2.0 hits ROM, they simply wont take the time or effort.

Like what?  What are you talking about?  Sounds just a bit paranoid.

>dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks)
     Ken Yarnall                 ///   kenny%mazurka@opusc.csd.scarolina.EDU
      Math Department, USC   \\\///   yarnall@usceast.cs.scarolina.EDU
       Columbia, S.C. 29208   \\\/   (803)777-5218
        "I'm not good in groups. It's hard to work in a group
                   when you're omnipotent." - Q

peter@cbmvax.commodore.com (Peter Cherna) (05/21/91)

In article <1991May20.170355.19033@coplex.uucp> dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks) writes:
>  The last I heard, someone at CA decided to add a couple of new
>features to WB.  I dont think features are what people want; what
>people want is for software to actually *work* under 2.0.  Until
>it hits ROM, major software vendors wont take 2.0 seriously enough
>to actually start *programming* under 2.0.

The perceived delay in the arrival of 2.0 has nothing to do with features.
It has to do (among other things) with stability and compatibility.
There has been a tremendous boost in both over the last few months.

Once 2.0 hits ROM, it's a little late to _begin_ to take 2.0 seriously.
You'd be impressed at the number of active developers in the Amiga
community that are working with 2.0 to ensure the best possible compatibility.
Most are not waiting for 2.0 to hit ROM to begin work.

>  And just because a piece of software is listed in the "2.0 Complaint
>Software List", it doesnt mean it actually works under 2.0.  Quite a
>few pieces of software made to "work" under 2.0, simply doesn't.  Until
>2.0 hits ROM, they simply wont take the time or effort.

I'd appreciate it if you could e-mail me a list of titles that claim
to be 2.0-compliant but aren't.  We then could see to it that any
problems are smoothed out.  Incidentally, if you're not running the
latest 2.0 version that's been released, your compatibility mileage
may vary.  A significant number of programs that won't work with 2.00
or 2.01 work fine with 2.02.  You'll see an even more impressive
improvement when 2.04 arrives.

>dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks)

Peter Cherna, Operating Systems Development Group, Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!peter    peter@cbmvax.commodore.com
My opinions do not necessarily represent the opinions of my employer.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."

dannie@coplex.uucp (Dannie Gregoire) (05/22/91)

dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks) writes:

>   Does anyone at C= have *any* idea of how close Commodore is to reaching
>a burn=in date to commit 2.0 to ROM?

According to our local dealer, 3rd quarter is Commodore's "official" release
time for 2.0 ROMs, but that's what was said 1.5 years ago ;-)  Anyone else 
care to elaborate??

 |    Dannie J. Gregoire            \\\\////         dannie@coplex         | 
 |  Copper Electronics Inc.         ////\\\\         !uunet!coplex!dannie  |

johns@dworkin.Amber.COM (John Silvia) (05/22/91)

>    Does anyone at C= have *any* idea of how close Commodore is to reaching
> a burn=in date to commit 2.0 to ROM?

I heard that it was recent that they were getting close - I saw a developer 
version that said "This is REALLY CLOSE so if you don't report problems now, 
then it will be too late in three days."
>   The last I heard, someone at CA decided to add a couple of new
> features to WB.  I dont think features are what people want; what
> people want is for software to actually *work* under 2.0.  Until
> it hits ROM, major software vendors wont take 2.0 seriously enough
> to actually start *programming* under 2.0.

In the developer version that I saw, there was a new product called Fountain 
which allowed for scalable fonts.  That worked nicely.  Also, the ability yo 
to close a window before all the icons or information from that drive is 
loaded.  My developer friend says that so far, all the parts of this system 
are 100% reliable, and has not seen a guru in a long while.  The new font 
system will be able to use the same fonts as PageStream, so the system and 
the publishing packages will be able to take advantage of the same fonts.  
That's something that will get us into the same market that Apple has been 
bragging about.
>   And just because a piece of software is listed in the "2.0 Complaint
> Software List", it doesnt mean it actually works under 2.0.  Quite a
> few pieces of software made to "work" under 2.0, simply doesn't.  Until
> 2.0 hits ROM, they simply wont take the time or effort.
I do agree that not all software that runs under 2.0 uses all of it's 
features.  Just ask the PageStream people about using SuperHires or 
Productivity and have the height-width ratio's look right.  They never 
called me back and they laughed in my face at the World of Amiga.

Some software will die under 2.0.  That is true.  Most of that software 
needed improvements anyway.  Of the software that I run on my A3000, there 
is not one package that I miss using.  I have found that the new 
productivity that I find in the 2.0 environment eclipses the need for using 
old software.  My paint packages work, my good audio software works, my 
publisher kicks butt, my editors work, my utilities work, and there is more.

The only complaint that people have about 2.0 is that they don't like having 
limitations or rules on what is done, and how it's done.  Most well 
trained/taught programmers don't give this a second thought.  It's the 
homebrew folks that have a steeper learning curve for programming.

Keep in mind that an application to run under 2.0 and use it's abilities ot 
to it's best will have to not run under 1.3.

Since the greater percentage of the user base for games and such is the 
A500, there will be a definite line drawn between power users and game 
players.  That same line exists in the Mac and IBM worlds, and Commodore 
cannot have an ultra game machine and super multimedia/business platform in 
the same box and support them with one line of software.  That would be too 

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) (05/22/91)

Just another quick question: once C= decides they have the 2.0 they want
to burn into ROM, what's the lag time before the chips are ready to ship?

Dave Schaumann      | There is no cause so right that one cannot find a fool
dave@cs.arizona.edu | following it.	- Niven's Law # 16

jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) (05/22/91)

johns@dworkin.Amber.COM (John Silvia) writes:

>Keep in mind that an application to run under 2.0 and use it's abilities ot 
>to it's best will have to not run under 1.3.

>Since the greater percentage of the user base for games and such is the 
>A500, there will be a definite line drawn between power users and game 
>players.  That same line exists in the Mac and IBM worlds, and Commodore 
>cannot have an ultra game machine and super multimedia/business platform in 
>the same box and support them with one line of software.  That would be too 

Programs can easily check to see what version of rom you have. If you
don't have 2.0 they can still function, but you would lose a few of the
nifty features that require 2.0. All it takes is a little thought on the
programmers part, and a few ghosted menus (or gadgets, whatever).

There is no reason not to have 2.0 on all amigas (including CDTV).
The only difference between game players and power users is the hardware
and software addons they buy for their machines.

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (05/22/91)

In article <1991May22.145109.2627@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) writes:
>There is no reason not to have 2.0 on all amigas (including CDTV).
>The only difference between game players and power users is the hardware
>and software addons they buy for their machines.

	That's not really true. CDTV, running under a variant of
1.3, uses a 512K kickstart with special routines on it, so you
can't just plug in a 2.0 kickstart. And considering that 2.0KS is
already totally filled, there would be no room for the CDTV
specific code.

Now the world has gone to bed,		Now I lay me down to sleep,
Darkness won't engulf my head,		Try to count electric sheep,
I can see by infrared,			Sweet dream wishes you can keep,
How I hate the night.			How I hate the night.   -- Marvin

jonabbey@cs.utexas.edu (Jonathan David Abbey) (05/23/91)

In article <1991May22.161900.26502@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu> 
es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) writes:
| In article <1991May22.145109.2627@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> 
| jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) writes:
| >
| >There is no reason not to have 2.0 on all amigas (including CDTV).
| >The only difference between game players and power users is the hardware
| >and software addons they buy for their machines.
| 	That's not really true. CDTV, running under a variant of
| 1.3, uses a 512K kickstart with special routines on it, so you
| can't just plug in a 2.0 kickstart. And considering that 2.0KS is
| already totally filled, there would be no room for the CDTV
| specific code.

Does anyone know if Commodore has made any statements to the effect that
software developed for the CDTV should be 2.0 compatible?  I realize that
it will may be non-trivial to field upgrade CDTV's to 2.0 software
("They want us to take in our CDTV?  Why?  It works fine.."), but it would
be nice to have 2.0 facilities (particularly fountain) in doing information
retrieval, not to mention general stability.

Jonathan David Abbey              \"Fortune presents gifts not according to the
the university of texas at austin  \  book" - Dead Can Dance "I've got to
computer science/math?/psychology?  \ jonabbey@cs.utexas.edu  stay Awake..."

jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) (05/23/91)

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) writes:

>In article <1991May22.145109.2627@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) writes:
>>There is no reason not to have 2.0 on all amigas (including CDTV).
>>The only difference between game players and power users is the hardware
>>and software addons they buy for their machines.

>	That's not really true. CDTV, running under a variant of
>1.3, uses a 512K kickstart with special routines on it, so you
>can't just plug in a 2.0 kickstart. And considering that 2.0KS is
>already totally filled, there would be no room for the CDTV
>specific code.

Well, okay if you going to be picky about it.....

I believe that the original memory map for the Amiga left space for
1 meg of roms. So even if its not immediatly physically possble,
it is certainly technically possible [for CBM at least] to put
KS2.0+CDTV specific stuff into roms and into CDTV's. THis is not
to say that they willl, but they certainly could.

Do Amiga500's and Amiga2000's have an extra ROM socket to hold 2.0 in?
If not I'm sure we will soon see ROM extender hacks to allow people
to put 512k 2.0ROMS in those machine.

Hopefully this will happen for A1000s too, since I own one :-)

xgr39@isuvax.iastate.edu (Marc Barrett) (05/23/91)

In article <1991May22.191722.20379@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu>, jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) writes:
>es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) writes:
>>In article <1991May22.145109.2627@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) writes:
>>>There is no reason not to have 2.0 on all amigas (including CDTV).
>>>The only difference between game players and power users is the hardware
>>>and software addons they buy for their machines.
>>	That's not really true. CDTV, running under a variant of
>>1.3, uses a 512K kickstart with special routines on it, so you
>>can't just plug in a 2.0 kickstart. And considering that 2.0KS is
>>already totally filled, there would be no room for the CDTV
>>specific code.
>Well, okay if you going to be picky about it.....
>I believe that the original memory map for the Amiga left space for
>1 meg of roms. So even if its not immediatly physically possble,
>it is certainly technically possible [for CBM at least] to put
>KS2.0+CDTV specific stuff into roms and into CDTV's. THis is not
>to say that they willl, but they certainly could.

   For putting the OS 2.0 ROM into a CDTV, I have a better alternative
to the idea of doing an internal upgrade.  The socket for the Personal
RAM/ROM cards can use cards with either 64K of RAM or 512K of ROM.
So, put the 512K OS 2.0 Kickstart onto a Personal ROM Card and sell
it for the CDTV.  You could then just pop the OS 2.0 ROM into your
CDTV without doing an internal upgrade.

>Do Amiga500's and Amiga2000's have an extra ROM socket to hold 2.0 in?
>If not I'm sure we will soon see ROM extender hacks to allow people
>to put 512k 2.0ROMS in those machine.

   Such a hack is not needed.  The ROM socket in A500s and A2000s has
enough address lines for a 512K ROM.  With the old 256K ROM, this 
address line was not used.  So you can just pop in the 512K ROM and
it will work.
>Hopefully this will happen for A1000s too, since I own one :-)

 / Marc Barrett  -MB- | BITNET:   XGR39@ISUVAX.BITNET        /   
/  ISU COM S Student  | Internet: XGR39@CCVAX.IASTATE.EDU   /      
\  ISU : The Home of the Goon                             /
 \       Who wants to Blow Up the Moon                   /

markv@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (05/23/91)

> I believe that the original memory map for the Amiga left space for
> 1 meg of roms. So even if its not immediatly physically possble,
> it is certainly technically possible [for CBM at least] to put
> KS2.0+CDTV specific stuff into roms and into CDTV's. THis is not
> to say that they willl, but they certainly could.

Yes.  And since they *are* Commodore, they are free to decide to use
any of the remaining "reserved" space in the 24 bit address space map.
> Do Amiga500's and Amiga2000's have an extra ROM socket to hold 2.0 in?
> If not I'm sure we will soon see ROM extender hacks to allow people
> to put 512k 2.0ROMS in those machine.

The 500/2000 ROM sockets DO support 512K ROMs, but not the 1000s.  The
3000 can support either 500/2000 style chips, or "wider" chips that
let the 3000 ROM space be addressable 32 bits wide.  (Of course 16
versus 32 bits is less an issue than the speed of the ROMs).
> Hopefully this will happen for A1000s too, since I own one :-)

The 1000 is a bit tricky.  The 1000s address circuitry is all several
discrete componants, and the WCS shows up in this space and has it's
own wierdness (write protecting, etc).  Also the WCS is decoded so
that it repeats itself 4 times in the 1MB ROM space (ie: F0, F4, F8,
and FC all map to F0 in the WCS).  This is why the Rejuvinator
replaces the WCS wholesale, rather than trying to hack the 1000 ROM
sockets for instance.
Mark Gooderum			Only...		\    Good Cheer !!!
Academic Computing Services	       ///	  \___________________________
University of Kansas		     ///  /|         __    _
Bix:	  mgooderum	      \\\  ///  /__| |\/| | | _   /_\  makes it
Bitnet:   MARKV@UKANVAX		\/\/  /    | |  | | |__| /   \ possible...
Internet: markv@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu

specter@disk.uucp (Byron Max Guernsey) (05/23/91)

>In article <1991May20.170355.19033@coplex.uucp> dean@coplex.uucp (Dean Brooks) writes:
>>  The last I heard, someone at CA decided to add a couple of new
>>features to WB.  I dont think features are what people want; what
>>people want is for software to actually *work* under 2.0.  Until
>>it hits ROM, major software vendors wont take 2.0 seriously enough
>>to actually start *programming* under 2.0.

Was that supposed to be taken seriously? Noone is waiting for it to come out
on ROM to write software for it. In fact, developers have been "writing for
it" since kickstart 1.4 which was released to give developers something to
go on. That was about 2 years ago. I don't think anyone will write anything
exclusively for 2.0 yet...to do so would be like writing software for the
NEXT. :) (point in hand: wouldnt be profitable to exploit 2.0's features
yet and give up 1.3 compatibility)


Byron 'Maxwell' Guernsey                         |       ///  //\\
specter@disk.UUCP     or                         |      ///  //  \\
uunet!ukma!corpane!disk!specter                  |  \\\///  //====\\
"We're not going to give you 500 dimes..." - SNL |   \\\/  //      \\ m i g a

rda136k@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au (Simon Cocking) (05/23/91)

jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) writes:

>Do Amiga500's and Amiga2000's have an extra ROM socket to hold 2.0 in?
>If not I'm sure we will soon see ROM extender hacks to allow people
>to put 512k 2.0ROMS in those machine.

>Hopefully this will happen for A1000s too, since I own one :-)

This is something I've been wondering about too for a while...  the A500 has
no extra ROM socket, and the existing socket should be too small (ie, not
enough pins) to accomodate a 512k ROM.  How does C= intend for this to
be done?

        ///                               ^^^^^  
   __  ///                               (o   o)  Didn't 25 years of Doctor
   \\\/// Simon Cocking,                    ^     Who teach you not to trust
    \XX/ rda136k@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au    `-'    names like Intel & Zilog?

xgr39@isuvax.iastate.edu (Marc Barrett) (05/23/91)

In article <1991May23.102546.19130@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au>, rda136k@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au (Simon Cocking) writes:
>jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) writes:
>>Do Amiga500's and Amiga2000's have an extra ROM socket to hold 2.0 in?
>>If not I'm sure we will soon see ROM extender hacks to allow people
>>to put 512k 2.0ROMS in those machine.
>>Hopefully this will happen for A1000s too, since I own one :-)
>This is something I've been wondering about too for a while...  the A500 has
>no extra ROM socket, and the existing socket should be too small (ie, not
>enough pins) to accomodate a 512k ROM.  How does C= intend for this to
>be done?

   The A500 and A2000 use exactly the same ROM socket, with enough address
lines for a 512K ROM.  Thus, the KS 2.0 upgrade will be a drop-in upgrade
for the A500 just as it is for the A2000.  The two systems are exactly the
same in this regard.

>        ///                               ^^^^^  
>   __  ///                               (o   o)  Didn't 25 years of Doctor
>   \\\/// Simon Cocking,                    ^     Who teach you not to trust
>    \XX/ rda136k@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au    `-'    names like Intel & Zilog?

 / Marc Barrett  -MB- | BITNET:   XGR39@ISUVAX.BITNET        /   
/  ISU COM S Student  | Internet: XGR39@CCVAX.IASTATE.EDU   /      
\  ISU : The Home of the Goon                             /
 \       Who wants to Blow Up the Moon                   /

mwm@pa.dec.com (Mike (My Watch Has Windows) Meyer) (05/24/91)

In article <1991May23.063824.21429@disk.uucp> specter@disk.uucp (Byron Max Guernsey) writes:
   I don't think anyone will write anything exclusively for 2.0 yet...
   to do so would be like writing software for the NEXT. :)

What do you mean "yet"? There's already a fair amount of PD 2.0-only
code, and at least one commercial 2.0-specific application (though
they later came out with a 1.3 version).

I'm doing things in 2.0 that flat weren't possible in 1.x. The
resulting software is going to be 2.0-only, because those things are
critical to proper operation of the software (i.e. - you tend to guru
if they aren't there, or aren't done right). I may even be using
things that won't run under 36.#? or early 37.#? versions of the OS,
so the demo version of the software won't be released until after ROM
is available for 3000s.

The road is full of dangerous curves			Mike Meyer
And we don't want to go too fast			mwm@pa.dec.com
We may not make it first				decwrl!mwm
But I know we're going to make it last.

didierj@swindj.UUCP (Alain Didierjean) (05/24/91)

In article <1991May22.161900.26502@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>, Ethan Solomita writes:

-> In article <1991May22.145109.2627@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) writes:
-> >
-> >There is no reason not to have 2.0 on all amigas (including CDTV).
-> >The only difference between game players and power users is the hardware
-> >and software addons they buy for their machines.
->      That's not really true. CDTV, running under a variant of
-> 1.3, uses a 512K kickstart with special routines on it, so you
-> can't just plug in a 2.0 kickstart. And considering that 2.0KS is
-> already totally filled, there would be no room for the CDTV
-> specific code.

Also, I wonder what 2.0 look would become on a TV set, PAL or NTSC.
I'm talking about subtle shades and highlights, specifically vertical
thin ones. Anybody tested 2.0 on his home TV set yet ?
 Alain DIDIERJEAN                  tfd.com!afp!gna!swindj!didierj
 The Software Winery               cbmvax!cbmehq!cbmfra!swindj!didierj

kilian@cinnet.com (Kilian Jacob) (05/29/91)

From article <1991May23.102546.19130@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au>, by rda136k@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au (Simon Cocking):
> jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) writes:
>>Do Amiga500's and Amiga2000's have an extra ROM socket to hold 2.0 in?
>>If not I'm sure we will soon see ROM extender hacks to allow people
>>to put 512k 2.0ROMS in those machine.
>>Hopefully this will happen for A1000s too, since I own one :-)
> This is something I've been wondering about too for a while...  the A500 has
> no extra ROM socket, and the existing socket should be too small (ie, not
> enough pins) to accomodate a 512k ROM.  How does C= intend for this to
> be done?
> -- 
>         ///                               ^^^^^  
>    __  ///                               (o   o)  Didn't 25 years of Doctor
>    \\\/// Simon Cocking,                    ^     Who teach you not to trust
>     \XX/ rda136k@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au    `-'    names like Intel & Zilog?

It's not to small. Remember the ROM chip only supports word addressing
(no byte addressing) Thus for 512kb (256 k words) you only need 18 address
-- /<ilian

Kilian Jacob - Cincinnati, Ohio - VOICE: (513)-489-1891
UUCP: kilian@cinnet.com or {uceng.uc.edu, ukma!spca6, uunet!sdrc}!cinnet!kilian