[comp.sys.amiga.misc] "If EXISTS VOL:" in startup problem...

harris@catt.ncsu.edu (Michael Harris) (05/28/91)

I seem to recall that there is a way to put an If EXISTS VOLUME: in the
startup-sequence and not have the system put up a requestor if the volume
is not inserted.  Do I recall correctly?

      Michael Harris - harris@catt.ncsu.edu or harris@carvm3.vnet.ibm.com
   Computer and Technologies Theme Program,  North Carolina State University   

peterk@cbmger.UUCP (Peter Kittel GERMANY) (05/28/91)

In article <1991May27.212327.11786@ncsu.edu> harris@catt.ncsu.edu (Michael Harris) writes:
>I seem to recall that there is a way to put an If EXISTS VOLUME: in the
>startup-sequence and not have the system put up a requestor if the volume
>is not inserted.  Do I recall correctly?

Yes, this is possible since 1.3. Use:

Best regards, Dr. Peter Kittel  // E-Mail to  \\  Only my personal opinions... 
Commodore Frankfurt, Germany  \X/ {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!cbmger!peterk

hessu@clinet.fi (Tapio Heiskanen) (05/28/91)

harris@catt.ncsu.edu (Michael Harris) writes:

>I seem to recall that there is a way to put an If EXISTS VOLUME: in the
>startup-sequence and not have the system put up a requestor if the volume
>is not inserted.  Do I recall correctly?

Use AmigaDOS 1.3 assign:

assign VOL: exists
if error ...

that should work

   Tapio (hessu) Heiskanen       _|_       Ferry Island Technologies
     Sarkiniementie 11 B 18      \ /      Internet: hessu@clinet.fi
             00210  HELSINKI     _Y_     VOICE: +358 0 678284
                      FINLAND     |     DATA: +358 0 679662

harris@garfield.catt.ncsu.edu (Michael Harris) (05/29/91)

harris@catt.ncsu.edu (Michael Harris) writes:

>I seem to recall that there is a way to put an If EXISTS VOLUME: in the
>startup-sequence and not have the system put up a requestor if the volume
>is not inserted.  Do I recall correctly?

Thanks to everyone for telling me the right way.  It is:

Assign VOLUME: Exists
If Warn
  Echo "Volume not available."
     Michael Harris - harris@catt.ncsu.edu or harris@carvm3.vnet.ibm.com
  Computer and Technologies Theme Program,  North Carolina State University   

darrell@comspec.uucp (Darrell Grainger) (05/29/91)

In article <1991May27.212327.11786@ncsu.edu> harris@catt.ncsu.edu (Michael Harris) writes:
>I seem to recall that there is a way to put an If EXISTS VOLUME: in the
>startup-sequence and not have the system put up a requestor if the volume
>is not inserted.  Do I recall correctly?

 The answer to your problem is in the AmigaDOS 1.3 Enhancer Software manual,
page 5-5 talks about setting up a RAD: workbench... you have to check to see
if it is there... if not then mount and format RAD:. If it is then boot from

Failat 30
Assign >NIL: RAD: Exists  ;this is the line you are looking for
If Warn
   Echo "the device does not exist"

>      Michael Harris - harris@catt.ncsu.edu or harris@carvm3.vnet.ibm.com
>   Computer and Technologies Theme Program,  North Carolina State University   
>           ========================================================

| Darrell Grainger (darrell@comspec) |Comspec Communications Inc.    |
| Toronto, Ontario, Canada           |Disclaimer: My opinions do not |
|  (416)617-1475     (416)633-5605   |reflect those of my employer.  |
|      Motorcycle: Honda PC800       |      Computer:Amiga 2000      |