[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Misplaced Posts - was RE: Environment and Fraudigy

lou@vaxsc (05/16/91)

In article <12129@jarthur.Claremont.EDU>, Bill Gribble
<bgribble@jarthur.claremont.edu> writes:

>Lotus cancelled this product after the public outcry against it.  Also, 
>  in case English is not your native language, you don't have to capitalize
>  the whole word.  Just the first letter, and only if it's a proper noun or 
>  the first word in a sentence.

Ok, that's a start (Sounds like my high school English teacher) ...  
But it gets better !

>>Kiernan Holland - one proud Christian Amiga Owner.
>I take it this means you're proud of being a Christian, and incidentally 
>  an Amiga owner.  That is, unless you've changed your mind about the 
>  idea that all Commodore employees are fuckers and that you would rather
>  own a '486 than the piece-of-shit 3000 they leeched so much money out of
>  your poor put-upon self for.  And just for the record, I really don't 
>  have anything against Christians.  I think they're kind of funny.

But that's not all...

>**   Bill Gribble                     Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA   **
>**   bgribble@jarthur.claremont.edu   Never heard of it?  You're stupid.   **

What's this - Too much coffee today, maybe?
Is this what we've reduced ourselves to?  Brandishing each other publicly, over
trivialities?  And Bill, personally, I'd say, unless someone's definitively
proven Freud wrong, you *do* have a problem with Christians.  

Anyway, if this was deserved then please *take it to private conversation*.  If not
then please omit these postings altogether.   I find this sort of post more 
offensive and obnoxious than for sale postings in the wrong newsgroup. 

In closing, allow me to quote How2Usenet (Matt Bishop)

          3.  Deciding to Post

               Before you decide to post an article, you should consider  a
          few things.

          3.2.  Do not post anything when upset, angry, or intoxicated

Perhaps maybe one of the above applies? 

               Before you post an article, think a minute;  decide  whether
          or not you are upset, angry, or high.  If you are, wait until you
          calm down (or come down) before deciding to post something.  Then

So before you reply, re-read the last paragraph!  

So does anyone else find this sort of "put-down" posting offensive?  Should we 
perhaps treat these in a similar manner to misplaced for-sale posts?

Flames given all the attention they deserve! (i.e. <= none)

kholland@hydra.unm.edu (Kiernan Holland) (05/18/91)

	From lou@vaxsc Thu May 16 07:48:48 1991
	Received: by hydra.unm.edu (5.54/0.1)
		id <AA09296>; Thu, 16 May 91 07:48:41 MDT
	Received: from vaxsc.niehs.nih.gov by alw.nih.gov (5.61/1.35(alw-2.1))
		id AA10093; Thu, 16 May 91 09:48:25 -0400
	Received: by vaxsc.niehs.nih.gov (5.57/Ultrix2.4-C)
		id AA27349; Thu, 16 May 91 09:48:04 EDT
	Message-Id: <9105161348.AA27349@vaxsc.niehs.nih.gov>
	To: Bill Gribble <bgribble@jarthur.claremont.edu>
	Cc: amiga-relay@udel.edu, lou@vaxsc, kholland@hydra.unm.edu
	Subject: Misplaced Posts - was RE: Environment and Fraudigy
	In-Reply-To: Your message of 15 May 91 20:24:06 +0000.
	Date: Thu, 16 May 91 09:48:01 EDT
	From: lou@vaxsc
	In article <12129@jarthur.Claremont.EDU>, Bill Gribble
	<bgribble@jarthur.claremont.edu> writes:
	>Lotus cancelled this product after the public outcry against it.  Also, 
	>  in case English is not your native language, you don't have to capitalize
	>  the whole word.  Just the first letter, and only if it's a proper noun or 
	>  the first word in a sentence.
	Ok, that's a start (Sounds like my high school English teacher) ...  
	But it gets better !
	>>Kiernan Holland - one proud Christian Amiga Owner.
	>I take it this means you're proud of being a Christian, and incidentally 
	>  an Amiga owner.  That is, unless you've changed your mind about the 
	>  idea that all Commodore employees are fuckers and that you would rather
	>  own a '486 than the piece-of-shit 3000 they leeched so much money out of
	>  your poor put-upon self for.  And just for the record, I really don't 
	>  have anything against Christians.  I think they're kind of funny.
	But that's not all...
	>**   Bill Gribble                     Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA   **
	>**   bgribble@jarthur.claremont.edu   Never heard of it?  You're stupid.   **
	What's this - Too much coffee today, maybe?
	Is this what we've reduced ourselves to?  Brandishing each other publicly, over
	trivialities?  And Bill, personally, I'd say, unless someone's definitively
	proven Freud wrong, you *do* have a problem with Christians.  
	Anyway, if this was deserved then please *take it to private conversation*.  If not
	then please omit these postings altogether.   I find this sort of post more 
	offensive and obnoxious than for sale postings in the wrong newsgroup. 
	In closing, allow me to quote How2Usenet (Matt Bishop)
	          3.  Deciding to Post
	               Before you decide to post an article, you should consider  a
	          few things.
	          3.2.  Do not post anything when upset, angry, or intoxicated
	Perhaps maybe one of the above applies? 
	               Before you post an article, think a minute;  decide  whether
	          or not you are upset, angry, or high.  If you are, wait until you
	          calm down (or come down) before deciding to post something.  Then
	So before you reply, re-read the last paragraph!  
	So does anyone else find this sort of "put-down" posting offensive?  Should we 
	perhaps treat these in a similar manner to misplaced for-sale posts?
	Flames given all the attention they deserve! (i.e. <= none)
Some of use christians are trying to work our way back to the lord. 
I for one. I often change my words "I hate you" with "I dislike you".
Now it just bothers me when (either I or) someone else says "I hate you" 
I hear "I damn you to hell for eternity". But putting religion aside 
we all have our weaknesses (and sins) and I don't believe it will 
ever disappear. My biggest weakness is Interpretation (reading the last 
paragraph? Almost never, ha! ;-) ). I probably shouldn't be posting 
anything about Santa Fe or Religion. I always get a kick out of what 
new gimicks Santa Fe has up their sleeves and the biggest one is 
New Age religion (actually a cult). It is a way for some people to get a
job (sure) but man it is badder than bad (what happens when your 
spirit guide tells you to quit your job? The force behind the christian
religion is WORK, GIVE, and LOVE [I guess I'm not doing too well at that,
but I really hate it when <Now I'm damning "IT" to hell forever ;-)>
LOVE is mistaken). I shouldn't get religion mixed up with computers
(they don't mix). Maybe I shouldn't read the New Mexican before 
replying to a message. Well, on the environmental side, it is true 
that PRODIGY is more of a service to the mail-order services than 
to the customers. I wonder if there is some way I can scare these 
companies off (I just got a letter from Prodigy and am thinking about 
getting my brother (bank lawyer) to fend them off. I really hate 
what is happening to the environment. I recycle as much as possible.
I strap myself in the car. All these good things. And I send hate 
mail to users like you. Sorry. Haven't been much of a christian lately.

arctngnt@amiganet.chi.il.us (Bowie J Poag) (05/20/91)

More like the force behind being a christian is FEAR, GUILT and WEAKNESS.

Wise up, eh?

pnelson@bullwinkle.uucp (Phil Nelson) (05/30/91)

In article <arctngnt.1951@amiganet.chi.il.us> arctngnt@amiganet.chi.il.us (Bowie J Poag) writes:

>Wise up, eh?

 Sounds like good advice.

Phil Nelson @ BT North America Inc. [ames|pyramid]!oliveb!tymix!pnelson

	He who answers before listening-
                that is his folly and his shame.        -Proverbs 18:13