[comp.sys.amiga.misc] What's latest version of DiskSalv?

zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu (Dan Zerkle) (05/26/91)

What is the latest version of Dave Haynie's Disksalv?

Grepping around FILES.Z from ab20 turned up dsalve1.42.  This was in a
comp.binaries.amiga archive.  The doc file promised a version 2.00 was
"well under way."

The reason I want this is that a friend of mine has a floppy for her
Amiga 500 that went bad.  She's not a techie, so I'm not sure what's wrong
other than that she's not able to read what's in her WordPerfect files.
She's nowhere near me (100's of miles), so I want to have a full
toolkit when I try to recover stuff from her disk.  So.....

What other stuff should I have ready?  I've collected FixDisk V1.2 (by
Werner Guenther).  Is that the most recent?  Is there something else I
should have?  Anything else I should know?

           Dan Zerkle  zerkle@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu  (916) 754-0240
           Amiga...  Because life is too short for boring computers.

daveh@cbmvax.commodore.com (Dave Haynie) (05/30/91)

In article <9037@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu> zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu (Dan Zerkle) writes:
>What is the latest version of Dave Haynie's Disksalv?

>Grepping around FILES.Z from ab20 turned up dsalve1.42.  This was in a
>comp.binaries.amiga archive.  The doc file promised a version 2.00 was
>"well under way."

It still is.  I haven't had time to work on it since about September.  It
is close fully functional, and still quite buggy.  The disk recovery stuff
works about 20% better than DiskSalv V1.42 or (ha! ha!) FixDisk.  It also
has a reasonably nice fix-in-place mode and an undelete mode.  Also, it
works via an Intuition interface (something like the "teaser.pic" image that
comes with V1.42, only more Intuition-2.0-ish, since 2.0 has become quite
finalized since I did up the first DS 2.00 user interface design (looking
over at the NeXT machine we had here).

>The reason I want this is that a friend of mine has a floppy for her
>Amiga 500 that went bad.  She's not a techie, so I'm not sure what's wrong
>other than that she's not able to read what's in her WordPerfect files.
>She's nowhere near me (100's of miles), so I want to have a full
>toolkit when I try to recover stuff from her disk.  So.....

DiskSalv V1.42 can do about all that can be done to a floppy.  The main point
of V2.00 is an easier user interface, better hard disk and undelete support,
and a few new tricks for finding things that couldn't be found before.  Anyway,
if I'm lucky, I'll have a chance to get back to it before next September...

		May you also live in interesting times
Dave Haynie Commodore-Amiga (Amiga 3000) "The Crew That Never Rests"
   {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh      PLINK: hazy     BIX: hazy
	"This is my mistake.  Let me make it good." -R.E.M.