[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Commodore Power Up Deal?

may@ug.cs.dal.ca (Bear) (05/30/91)

  I've been living with a MAC LC for awhile but , I use to be an amiga 500
owner. I've decided to come back to amiga since I have decided apples are
for those who don't like real computers :)  .

	Anyways whats this Power-Up deal? How much are they charging for
a 3000 and 1950 monitor? (In US dollars??? or Canadian?) I live in Nova
Scotia Canada and here they charge $3333.00 for the 3000 (then you add
7% GST, 10% PST on top of all that). Then the 1950 costs $655... anyways
I think I'm being rippied off........

						Brian May

Dalhousie University, Halifax Nova Scotia