[comp.sys.amiga.misc] NewPop

cygnus@wpi.WPI.EDU (Marshall Robin) (05/29/91)

I know this has been posted here before, but I missed it....

I can't get NewPop to work, it Gurus like mad. I just got the newest rev
off AB20, can someone tell me what to do about it (maybe the guy who was
having problems with it before?)

Marshall Robin          | Well I'm sick of all your pretty pretty speeches
                        | Receive your punishment expose your throat 
Internet Address:	| to my righteous claws and let the blood flow
  cygnus@wpi.wpi.edu	| 				-Marillion

ewilts@janus.mtroyal.ab.ca (Ed Wilts) (05/30/91)

In article <1991May29.063017.6520@wpi.WPI.EDU>, cygnus@wpi.WPI.EDU (Marshall Robin) writes:
> I can't get NewPop to work, it Gurus like mad. I just got the newest rev
> off AB20, can someone tell me what to do about it (maybe the guy who was
> having problems with it before?)
> Marshall Robin          | Well I'm sick of all your pretty pretty speeches
>                         | Receive your punishment expose your throat 
> Internet Address:	| to my righteous claws and let the blood flow
>   cygnus@wpi.wpi.edu	| 				-Marillion

You don't exactly supply a lot of details to work with.  Start with posting
your hardware and software configuration (eg, A3000 with 2.03,etc), and your
newpoprc file.  Include any details necessary to duplicate the problem.  For
example, does it GURU right away?  While running program xx?

If it GURUs right away, disable all of your other background tasks first, and
see if it still does it.  If it does, add one at a time back in and see which
one causes it to fail.  Then, disable all but Newpop and the one you thought
caused it to fail, and see if it still GURUs.  Then report the problem.

These kind of details are required to work on any problem, not just NewPop
(except for .newpoprc of course).

Until you can supply some more information, Loren doesn't have anything to go
on.  It obviously works for him, and it works for me (I was a beta-tester for
4.0).  Tell us what you are doing differently, and maybe it can get fixed.
One starting point to look at is the SCSI monitor.  If you have it active,
PLEASE report your hard drive controller and the task name.  Disable it for now
and see if it still GURUs.

        .../Ed     Preferrred:  Ed.Wilts@BSC.Galaxy.BCSystems.Gov.BC.CA
Ed Wilts            Alternate:  EdWilts@BCSC02.BITNET    (604) 389-3430
B.C. Systems Corp., 4000 Seymour Place, Victoria, B.C., Canada, V8X 4S8