[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A1000 vs. Epson FX85 printer

fiduk@sundew.cad.mcc.com (Ken Fiduk) (05/25/91)

Has anyone run into difficulty interfacing an A1000 to an Epson FX85
printer? I have a cable that interfaces correctly between the FX85 and
a PC laptop and have connected the printer RESET line to pin 25 on the
Amiga parallel connector and disabled the +5v output at pin 23. 
My problem is that using either of the EpsonX printer drivers, when I
"copy to PRT:", I still get the extra line feed after each line is
printed. This doesn't occur when I perform the same operation on my
Okimate20. With the conversion form LF to CRLF that AmigaDOS performs,
I also get three spaces after every printed line from Scribble!. When
I "copy to PAR:" or "copy to PRT:RAW", the conversion is not
performed, and it operates as it should. But since I assume Scribble!
outputs to PRT:, that doesn't help much.

I was wondering if anyone else had been through this? Is it a cable
problem? Print driver? (Also, which one is correct for the FX85).
Scribble!. Some combination? I appreciate any help, as I was looking
forward to using the FX85.

Ken Fiduk
MCC CAD Program            
3500 W. Balcones Center Dr.
Austin, TX 78759           


Ken Fiduk                    |  ARPA: fiduk@mcc.com
MCC CAD Program              |  UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!fiduk
3500 W. Balcones Center Dr.  |  Telephone: (512) 338-3518
Austin, TX 78759             |  FAX: (512) 338-3897

tom@clipper.ingr.com (Tom Granvold) (05/31/91)

    I was not able to reply to you via email, so I'm posting my
response here.

In article <FIDUK.91May24122215@sundew.cad.mcc.com> you write:
>Has anyone run into difficulty interfacing an A1000 to an Epson FX85
>printer? I have a cable that interfaces correctly between the FX85 and
>a PC laptop and have connected the printer RESET line to pin 25 on the
>Amiga parallel connector and disabled the +5v output at pin 23. 
>My problem is that using either of the EpsonX printer drivers, when I
>"copy to PRT:", I still get the extra line feed after each line is
>printed. This doesn't occur when I perform the same operation on my
>Okimate20. With the conversion form LF to CRLF that AmigaDOS performs,
>I also get three spaces after every printed line from Scribble!. When
>I "copy to PAR:" or "copy to PRT:RAW", the conversion is not
>performed, and it operates as it should. But since I assume Scribble!
>outputs to PRT:, that doesn't help much.
>I was wondering if anyone else had been through this? Is it a cable
>problem? Print driver? (Also, which one is correct for the FX85).
>Scribble!. Some combination? I appreciate any help, as I was looking
>forward to using the FX85.

    I have been using an FX85 with my Amiga 1000 for five years now.  It
works fine.  I don't have Scribble so I can't comment on the program.  I
use ProWrite without any problems.  I've even done graphics dumps from
DPaintII and SimCity.

    It sounds like you have the cable correct.  If the cable was bad then
most likely you'd be having much more basic problems, like the cable
burning up or not getting any output at all.

    There is one thing to check though.  Inside the FX85 is a couple of
options controlled by DIP switches.  One of the options controls whether
or not the printer adds a line feed at the end of each line.  Check with
your FX85 manual in Appendix A.

    There is a cover near the rear on the right side of the printer.
When this is removed (with the printer unplugged of course!) the switches
can be seen.  Try changing #4 on the smaller set of switches.  This is
the one that controls the extra line feed.

Good Luck,
Name:    Tom Granvold
Mail:    2400 Geng Rd., Palo Alto, Calif., 94303
UUCP:    ucbvax!decvax!decwrl!pyramid!garth!tom
  or:    tom@clipper.ingr.com